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  • EUR 22.-7 vergeben

    Classic Editionä

    You will be the first to receive Livio Vacchini's book «Capolavori. Masterpieces» (English edition), with a 20% discount.

    Shipping included for Europe. Shipping worldwide excludes shipping and packing.

  • EUR 50.-8 vergeben

    Special editionä

    You will receive:
    - The book Livio Vacchini, «Capolavori.Masterpieces» (English edition)
    - The book «Livio Vacchini. Dessins, drawings, disegni» (English/French/Italian edition)
    - A selection of 5 limited edition postcards designed by graphic studio Spassky Fischer
    Shipping included for Europe. Shipping worldwide excludes shipping and packing.

  • EUR 300.-0 / 3 vergeben

    Premium edition 4ä

    A special edition including:
    - The book Livio Vacchini, «Capolavori.Masterpieces» (English edition)
    - The book «Livio Vacchini. Dessins, drawings, disegni» (English/French/Italian edition)
    - A numbered Studio Vacchini studio serigraph of «SEZIONE CASA COSTA» (size 40x60 cm). Limited edition of 3.
    Shipping included for Europe. Shipping worldwide excludes shipping and packing.

  • EUR 300.-3 / 3 vergeben

    Premium edition 1ä

    A special edition including:
    - The book Livio Vacchini, «Capolavori.Masterpieces» (English edition)
    - The book «Livio Vacchini. Dessins, drawings, disegni» (English/French/Italian edition)
    - A numbered Studio Vacchini serigraph of «PALESTRA DI LOSONE» (size 40x60 cm). Limited edition of 3.
    Shipping included for Europe. Shipping worldwide excludes shipping and packing.

  • EUR 300.-3 / 3 vergeben

    Premium edition 2ä

    A special edition including:
    - The book Livio Vacchini, «Capolavori.Masterpieces» (English edition)
    - The book «Livio Vacchini. Dessins, drawings, disegni» (English/French/Italian edition)
    - A numbered Studio Vacchini serigraph of «LA FERRIERA» (size 40x60 cm).
    Limited edition of 3.
    Shipping included for Europe. Shipping worldwide excludes shipping and packing.

  • EUR 300.-2 / 3 vergeben

    Premium edition 3ä

    A special edition including:
    - The book Livio Vacchini, «Capolavori.Masterpieces» (English edition)
    - The book «Livio Vacchini. Dessins, drawings, disegni» (English/French/Italian edition)
    - A numbered Studio Vacchini studio serigraph of «CASA COSTA» (size 40x60 cm). Limited edition of 3.
    Shipping included for Europe. Shipping worldwide excludes shipping and packing.