Scegliere una ricompensa

Scegli se desideri sostenere il progetto con o senza ricompensa.

Sostenere senza ricompensaä

Sostieni il progetto con una somma a tua scelta ed entra a far parte di una storia di successo.

Regalare il sostegno di un progettoä

Riceverai un certificato personalizzato per il destinatario del regalo

  • CHF 25.-2 prese


    Thanks a lot! For your support, you will receive a photo collage from the film set with a personal greeting.

  • CHF 40.-3 prese

    Film posterä

    Great, thank you! The film poster will be sent to your home (signed if desired).

  • CHF 50.-27 prese

    Film DVD or Linkä

    Great - we thank you very much! You will receive the finished documentary as a DVD or download.

  • CHF 100.-25 prese

    Invitation to the previewä

    Wow – for your generous contribution you will be at the exclusive preview of the documentary film (Bern or Amsterdam). As a guest of honor, we invite you to the aperitif. Many many thanks!

  • CHF 222.-5 prese

    Preview and credits mentionä

    Many many thanks!! For your great support, you are invited to the preview of the film and to the aperitif (Bern or Amsterdam) and will also be mentioned as a supporter in the credits.

  • CHF 333.-0 / 1 prese

    Kunstfigürchen «Narr» ä

    Wir danken dir von Herzen! Dafür erhältst du eine ganz spezielle Belohnung: Ein Kunstfigürchen (Unikat) aus der Serie «Narrenpönkli» der Künstlerin Maria Messerli.
    Und natürlich wirst du auch als Unterstützer:in im Abspann erwähnt und an die Vorpremiere eingeladen.

  • CHF 444.-1 / 3 presa

    Show Gardi Hutter and drinkä

    Merci, Merci, Merci! Thanks to you, we are getting a lot closer to our goal. There is an exclusive thank you for your generosity:
    We invite you to a performance by Gardi Hutter in Switzerland, including a post-show drink with the clowner herself (without travel expenses).
    And of course you will also be mentioned as a supporter in the credits and will be invited to the preview.

  • CHF 888.-1 / 3 presa

    Film screening at your placeä

    A warm thank you!!
    As a thank you for your great support, we will come to your home or personal event and give you a private screening of the finished film. In addition to the screening rights for a performance, we will also bring you a small aperitif for up to 10 people. And of course we will be available for questions and answers afterwards. We will take the demonstration copy with us, you have to take care of the technology and venue rental yourself.
    And of course you will also be mentioned as a supporter in the credits and will be invited to the preview.