Sauvons la grotte livresque!

Community and Literature


La Boutique du livre de Neuchâtel devient une librairie associative gérée par des bénévoles soucieux de préserver sa convivialité et son ouverture. Ecrivons ensemble la suite de l'histoire!

102 %
CHF 22’610
204 backers
NETTLE GIN Maison Verte

Food, Startup, and Environment


We have developed a unique nettle gin and are now ready for production. For this we need your support!

105 %
CHF 15’898
166 backers
The abo!

Community, Technology, and Education


The abo!

by fablabneuch

The FabLab-Neuch is becoming more and more accessible! The Abo! is a (very) affordable subscription that offers (almost) unlimited access to the FabLab and its various fabrication tools.

108 %
CHF 17’296
94 backers
Au bonheur en vrac

Food, Community, and Environment


Au bonheur en vrac

by Elsa Fiaux

L’épicerie «Au bonheur en vrac» d’Orbe propose des produits de notre région sans emballage. Un p'tit bout de paradis qui te réserve des surprises comme un coin café et des ateliers zéro déchet!

142 %
CHF 21’390
261 backers
Impact Fund 2021: Next Level


Zürich and Vienna

Impact Fund 2021: Next Level

by Verein Impact2020, Partnerstiftung (Start 2021), and Team wemakeit

Together, we can do it: We are giving 20 top crowdfunding projects, all of which have exhibited a positive impact on climate – a boost. Get involved today to help shape a better world for tomorrow.

216 %
CHF 541’690
2322 backers
Impact Fund 2020 / Climate



Impact Fund 2020 / Climate

by Verein Impact2020 and Team wemakeit

Do more for our climate! With the Impact Fund and your support, we’ll help climate projects at wemakeit come to life. Join us now, the time to save our climate is running out!

108 %
CHF 271’799
2035 backers
Café Primeur

Food and Community


Café Primeur

by Café Primeur

Le Café Primeur ne ressemble pas à un café traditionnel. Plutôt à un parc en plein été, une place du marché gorgée de soleil où l'on déguste des saveurs authentiques.

114 %
CHF 34’295
353 backers
Neue Buchhandlung in Biel

Community and Literature


Bostryche liebt Papier! Frei und eigenständig bearbeitet unsere Buchhandlung ihre Furche in der Welt der Bücher, auf Französisch wie auch auf Deutsch. Ihr Credo: Kunst und Literatur für jedes Alter.

110 %
CHF 16’519
156 backers
Les Mains Glacées

Comics, art, and Environment

Nuuk and Neuchâtel

Réalisation d'une bande dessinée illustrant le périple d’un petit groupe d’artistes naviguant sur un voilier au Groenland. Une vision d’artiste confrontée à un univers polaire en pleine mutation.

110 %
CHF 4’400
55 backers

Fashion and Environment

Lausanne, Fribourg, and Geneva


by Gaëtan Buser, Fanny, and Mathieu Voisard

FAIR’ACT pour une mode responsable, c’est faire mieux avec moins, mais surtout mieux ! Un projet pour mettre en avant les pistes pour consommer la mode en toute conscience en Suisse romande.

134 %
CHF 10’772
199 backers
L'Épicerie Vrac Yverdon

Food, Startup, and Environment


L'Épicerie Vrac Yverdon

by L'Épicerie Vrac Yverdon

« L’Épicerie Vrac Yverdon » located in the heart of the town, is a convivial shop offering a range of quality products and most importantly a zero-waste environment. Launch: April 2017

119 %
CHF 53’730
524 backers
Nacht der 1000 Fragen

Community and Festival


Nacht der 1000 Fragen

by nadine, celine fallet, and Lucie

Tickst du noch richtig? Am 22. Oktober bringen wir die grossen Fragen des Lebens auf die Strassen der Bieler Altstadt. Hör zu, denk nach, stell Fragen. Tickt’s?

109 %
CHF 10’300
118 backers
The Fine Art of Composting

Startup, Design, and Environment


Nie mehr organische Abfälle in deinem Kehrrichtsack. Unser ureigenst entwickelter WORMUP-Komposter, aus natürlichen Materialien zum recyceln bei dir Zuhause. Mit deiner Hilfe geht’s in die Produktion.

250 %
CHF 80’071
362 backers
Basic Income for you



Basic Income for you

by Verein Grundeinkommen

What would you do if your income was guaranteed?We are fundraising for Switzerland’s first Basic Income in order to experience and learn more about unconditionality.

108 %
CHF 32’528
509 backers
Landing – Le livre

Exhibition, Publishing, and Art


Landing – Le livre

by Lausanne Jardins

Soutenez la parution du livre Landing sur les 29 jardins de la 5ème édition de Lausanne Jardins qui s’est déroulée de juin à octobre 2014 à Lausanne.

102 %
CHF 6’170
63 backers
Tnalak Tau Sebu prestige

Design, Fair Trade, and Community

Lake Sebu, Lausanne, and Genthod

We, the Tboli women weavers of lake Sebu (Philippines) need your help to earn a decent income from our production of Tnalak and take our pride and place in the community.

132 %
CHF 7’976
72 backers
Ordos, the stillborn city

Photography and Publishing


Ordos, the stillborn city

by Adrien Golinelli

The world’s biggest new city, Ordos, is under construction in the desert of northern China. It has everything fancier than the others, but still lacks the most essential: its people.

166 %
CHF 13’302
66 backers
wemakeit Festival



wemakeit Festival

by Team wemakeit

Am 6. Februar feiert wemakeit Geburtstag. Gemeinsam mit dir möchten wir die Ideen und Projekte hoch leben lassen, die in den vergangenen vier Jahren bei wemakeit Wirklichkeit wurden. Sei dabei!

102 %
CHF 14’838
305 backers
Shake It Off 4 CP

Community and Kids / Youth


Shake It Off 4 CP

by Handi-Capable Association

In honor of World Cerebral Palsy Day, October 7, the Handi-Capable Association in Lausanne, Switzerland is launching a campaign #shakeitoff4cp to shake off prejudice against those with cerebral palsy!

103 %
CHF 5’151
38 backers
Mir langets!

Politics and Journalism


Mir langets!

by Donat Kaufmann

Lasst uns gemeinsam ein Zeichen setzen und mit dem Kauf der Frontseite der Zeitung «20 Minuten» auf die absurden Züge des aktuellen Wahlkampfs aufmerksam machen.

106 %
CHF 147’271
12236 backers
JS Footwear

Fashion, Startup, and Design

Salzburg and Bandung

JS Footwear

by JS Footwear

JS – is a newcomer Footwear Label specialized in handcrafted Unisex Sandals. Characterized by quality and good design. YOU can make my new collection happen!

117 %
EUR 4’570
32 backers

Photography, Publishing, and Tourism

Basel, Frick, and Bern


by Christine Kaufmann, Cornelia Biotti, and Rahel Messerli

Lateinamerika – 9 Länder – 13 Monate. Aus zahlreichen Portraits von Reisenden, deren Reiseberichten und einer illustrierten Lateinamerika-Karte entsteht das Buch «Viajeros».

120 %
CHF 13’260
107 backers

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You have a project and we are in the crowdfunding business. Get your funding now and make sure people start hearing about your idea. If you have questions or need professional crowdfunding advice, our experts are happy to help you.

  • You don’t pay until your project is successful
  • Make it public when you feel ready to
  • Successful projects since 20127,069
  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportEUR 99.6 m
  • Community Members621,603