«Li Pisce Tornano!» means the fishes are back! It's also the title of our long awaited 3rd album of Neapolitan songs, featuring 11 exceptional arrangements by the legendary duo Cigliano & Gangi.

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EUR 7’339

73% von EUR 9’999

73 %
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43 Unterstützer*innen

17 Tage verbleibend

Bryan Benner and Václav Fuksa are back to finish the trilogy!

From the very beginning our plan was to make three albums of Neapolitan songs, each featuring the wonderful arrangements of Italian guitarists Fausto Cigliano and Mario Gangi. Now, after a delightful break we spent learning music by Schubert and Paganini, we are finally ready to finish the album trilogy. Li Pisce Tornano!

Václav Fuksa and Bryan Benner
Václav Fuksa and Bryan Benner

Two Very Special Guitars by Enrico Piretti (1962 and 1977)

One of the many things that will make this album so special is that for the first time we will be recording on the same instruments that our heroes once played. Through a series of very lucky coincidences and meetings with generous, wonderful people, we are now the very proud owners of two guitars by the master guitar builder from Bologna, Enrico Piretti. One from 1962 made for Mario Gangi, and one from 1977 that belonged to Fausto Cigliano. This means that for the first time since these great musicians passed away some years ago these two amazing instruments will be heard on a recording. And not just any recording, but a recording of the same songs once so skilfully played on these very same guitars! It’s enough to bring a sweet tear to our guitar playing eyes…

  • Václav and Bryan with their Piretti guitars
    Václav and Bryan with their Piretti guitars
  • Enrico Piretti 1962 and 1977
    Enrico Piretti 1962 and 1977
  • Happy boys with nice guitars
    Happy boys with nice guitars

Crowdfunding means freedom and possibility for independent musicians!

If you’ve never crowdfunded an album production before, here are a few of the things that all the money goes towards:

  • Recording in Naples at Auditorium ’900
  • Mixing
  • Mastering
  • Artwork
  • Layout and Design
  • Printing 1.000 copies
  • Royalty Payments
  • And many more little things that add up quickly!

Have a listen to our last album here. The next one will be even better!