To help Real Kids Home to continue its service, a kindergarten giving affordable education to children and providing all the facilities so that they could learn, grow and explore at the same time.

CHF 3’040

101% of CHF 3’000

101 %
This is how it works

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

5 backers

Successfully concluded on 6/11/2020

Lets continue the Real Kids Home

We have been following the COVID-19 situation in Nepal since it started. We were able to raise funds for our producers and people with financial difficulties. And we continue to support families who cannot afford rations and medicals. But now we are being told of situations where schools and kindergartens are in the verge of closing down. Due to no funding and especially no plans to re open them. And one of the affected is Real Kids Home which has been providing affordable education to 70 children and providing a livelihood to 13 families who were working there. We are pledging the fund to support the team so that they can re open and sustain during this uncertain time.

What is it special about Real Kids Home?

When we first visited the kindergarten, me and my wife, we told the founder, Chan Shrestha that we would be sending our kids when we move to Nepal from Switzerland. Chan made sure that he not just open one more kindergarten with rented house and no playground, but a kindergarten where children could not only learn and play but also explore, be amazed and go around with out any fear. Chan has been funding the salaries to his staff personally and now even his own finances are to be worried about. Real Kids Home was awaiting and expecting like all the schools that they will be re-opened and start functioning again. But it never did. We came to know about the whole situation some weeks back and now we want to make sure that we are not late. Do help us in making a difference again in the lives of families and children who love Real Kids Home.

This is why we need your support

We want Real Kids Home to continue providing its happiness to the children and the team who work there. The raised fund will help to provide two months of salaries to the 13 person. Any amounts raised above the pledged amount will go into funding children of the Kindergarten who are not able to pay the fees. And Chan and team will make sure that not being able pay the fees will not stop the kids to come to their Happy home. As Chan has already assured to the parents who are not being able to work due to COVID situation do not need to pay the fees. So lets us pledge together in bringing smiles to the people involved in Real Kids Home.