Scegli se desideri sostenere il progetto con o senza ricompensa.
Sostieni il progetto con una somma a tua scelta ed entra a far parte di una storia di successo.
Riceverai un certificato personalizzato per il destinatario del regalo
EUR 15.-4 prese
You will be invited to the book presentation in Vienna in late summer 2015.
EUR 50.-20 prese
You will receive a copy of the book fresh from the press and you will be invited to the book presentation in Vienna in late summer 2015.
EUR 75.-8 prese
You will receive a copy of the book fresh from the press and 5 original hand-drawn postcards created by the one world foundation pre-schoolers. You will be invited to the book presentation in Vienna in late summer 2015.
EUR 125.-16 prese
You will receive a copy of the book fresh from the press, a one world foundation T-shirt of the finest quality with an artist logo (available sizes: S, M, L, XL, XXL) and a very fine selection of Singhalese tea. You will be invited to the book presentation in Vienna in late summer 2015.
EUR 250.-6 prese
You will receive a copy of the book dedicated and signed by some of the authors and you will be invited to the book presentation in Vienna in late summer 2015.
EUR 500.-2 prese
You will receive a copy of the book dedicated and signed by some of the authors as well as an original photo print of the «owf wonder lamp», signed by Elena Givone. You will be invited to the book presentation in Vienna in late summer 2015.
EUR 1.000.-4 / 20 prese
You will be named in the publication as one of the sponsors. During your next stay you will be invited to a free night including breakfast at Bogenvillya and a morning yoga lesson. You will receive a copy of the book dedicated and signed by some of the authors as well as an original photo print of the «owf wonder lamp», signed by Elena Givone. You will be invited to the book presentation in Vienna in late summer 2015.
EUR 5.000.-0 / 5 prese
You will be named in the publication as one of the sponsors. During your next stay in Sri Lanka Kathrin Messner will take you out to dinner at a particularly beautiful place. You will also be invited to attend a photo workshop with Elena Givone and the students of owf or you will be given a private lesson by the excellent photographer herself. You will receive a copy of the book dedicated and signed by some of the authors as well as an original photo print of the «owf wonder lamp», signed by Elena Givone. You will be invited to the book presentation in Vienna in late summer 2015.