Initiating Projects Together

wemakeit – crowdfunding for fresh ideas,
artistic endeavors and creative products.

Come along with us!

We Fancy

New stage for heartevents

Performing arts, Festival, and Kids / Youth


New stage for heartevents

by Earth Spirit Events

Help us finance new infrastructure so we can continue to organize sustainable events for our family-friendly and respectful community!
A balm for the soul in a wholesome atmosphere.

28 %
CHF 4’520
28 days to go
MOON: New EP and clip

Music, Performing arts, and Art


Our project: To record a new EP of 5 tracks in the studio, and create a pro clip on one of these 5 tracks.

65 %
CHF 3’290
14 days to go
Espace Midgard

Startup, Community, and Education

La Sarraz

Espace Midgard

by Ludo_EntreLesMondes

Création d'un showroom unique dédié aux tambours traditionnels, associé à un espace de consultation vibrant pour accueillir soins, conférences, formations, stages et activités holistiques !

51 %
CHF 6’670
33 days to go
Schweiz entdecken, gemeinsam

Community and Kids / Youth

St-Imier and Interlaken

Für unsere Maturaarbeit am CEFF santé-social organisieren wir einen Kulturtag in einer Schweizer Stadt für die Begünstigten des Vereins «MIA», die einen Migrationshintergrund haben.

85 %
CHF 1’700
20 days to go

Now! Projects

One Last Night

Film and Art

Geneva and Los Angeles

One Last Night

by Cornland Studio

ONE LAST NIGHT, a poignant short film, follows two brothers facing their mother’s alcoholism in the heart of Los Angeles. Support the second short film by director Michael Guillod.

161 %
CHF 11’285
5 days to go
Emmenez Manta à Londres


London and Lausanne

Aidez Antonin, Hugo et Marie à rejoindre Jocelin à Londres (en train) pour enregistrer 6 nouvelles chansons en studio. On se réjouit déjà de vous les faire entendre !

137 %
CHF 2’057
14 days to go
Promoting young filmmakers

Film, Kids / Youth, and Art

Vevey and Geneva

Promoting young filmmakers

by marmotteproductions

Since 2021, Marmottes productions has been producing films by young Swiss filmmakers. Your support will help us to screen them in different ways. Swiss cinema screened locally.

26 %
CHF 2’125
16 days to go
Spacebrain First LP!


Geneva, Biel/Bienne, and Vevey

Cet album de 4 titres est la 5e production du trio et l’aboutissement d’un processus de création de 4 ans, enrichis d’un cheminement artistique de plus de 10 ans.

84 %
CHF 5’040
19 days to go

Make your project take off

You have a project and we are in the crowdfunding business. Get your funding now and make sure people start hearing about your idea. If you have questions or need professional crowdfunding advice, our experts are happy to help you.

  • You don’t pay until your project is successful
  • Make it public when you feel ready to
  • Successful projects since 20127,511
  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportEUR 105.8 m
  • Community Members669,166