

wemakeit Ticino – as radiant as Christa Rigozzi and as determined as Lara Gut – opens its doors for artists, inventors and creative minds. From Valle Levantina to Mendrisio – take a look at all the projects here. Curious? For your wemakeit project, we’ll be on hand with help and advice: You get tailor-made feedback on your campaign and we will be available to you with our expertise making sure your campaign will hit it off!

Any questions? Write an email to Esmeralda Mattei.

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Pawz & Tails Academy®

Games, Startup, and Animals


Pawz & Tails Academy®

by Pawz Studio, Brown Bear, and Vane Pawz

A group of friends and a startup: we're creating a card game where real dogs and cats become heroes! We aim to entertain and inspire, raising awareness about our pets.

88 %
CHF 4’427
4 days to go
Benessere per gli anziani



Questo progetto propone l’implementazione di un servizio di massaggi in loco nelle case di riposo, con l’obiettivo di fornire un supporto olistico al benessere degli ospiti.

123 %
CHF 1’850
3 days to go
acCanto a Noi

Music, Community, and Performing Arts


Un laboratorio corale in cui i partecipanti portano le canzoni della propria tradizione per raccontarsi e creare assieme uno spettacolo di sensibilizzazione sulla diversità.

42 %
CHF 2’120
10 days to go
Teatro Cambusa

Music, Community, and Performing Arts


Teatro Cambusa

by Teatro Cambusa

Sostieni l'attività annuale del Teatro Cambusa di Locarno, dai cachet per gli artisti, allo sviluppo di nuovi format per la comunità, al pagamento dei costi di gestione.

13 %
CHF 660
46 days to go
Castello - B&B in Liguria



We bought the Castello in Liguria/Italy, built in 1920, and have been renovating it for 2 years. Our aim is to open it as a Bed, Breakfast & More. We want to live our dream and inspire others with it.

2 %
CHF 550
20 days to go
Insieme per 74 cuori!


Pignataro Interamna

Sosteniamo il rifugio Palamut Pooches e le sue meravigliose anime a 4 zampe in difficoltà. Ogni donazione aiuterà a garantire adeguate cure, nutrimento e un futuro migliore ai cani.

124 %
CHF 2’490
47 backers
Operation für Lola



Meine Hündin Lola brauchte eine Operation an der Lunge, da spontan Löcher darin auftraten, was sie stark beim Atmen beeinträchtigte.

125 %
CHF 2’500
25 backers
Kleinbus für "La Bussola"

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education


Seit über 12 Jahren setzen wir uns mit dem Verein «La Bussola» in Italien & Albanien für Kinder & Jugendliche ein. Ein Kleinbus mit 9 Sitzplätzen soll Personen- und Materialtransporte vereinfachen.

107 %
CHF 26’965
46 backers
Biologischer Weinbau

Agriculture, Fair Trade, and Environment

Bellinzona and Leymen

Biologischer Weinbau

by Baldauf Weinbau

Unterstütze uns dabei unsere biologisch-dynamischen Weinreben vor zukünftigen Hagelstürmen zu schützen. Wir wollen in Hagelschutznetze & neue Technologien investieren um den Weinbau zu optimieren.

100 %
CHF 10’040
26 backers
ALTUS. Wienerklassik for two

Music, Performing arts, and Art

Basel, Madrid, and Pescara

ALTUS. Wienerklassik for two

by babakbabaie and vincegiura

Babak Babaie and Vincenzo Giura release their debut album as a guitar duo, featuring their own transcriptions of the great Viennese masters.

100 %
EUR 5’025
55 backers
Die Sanduhr des Lebens

Exhibition, art, and Environment

Aranno and Agno

Die Sanduhr des Lebens

by Associazione Aranno LandART (ALA)

Mit Eurer Unterstützung kann die Land Art-Künstlerin CanB demnächst ihre Installation «die Sanduhr des Lebens» auf dem 5,1 km langen Kunstpfad VitART Parcours Aranno-Agno realisieren.

100 %
CHF 5’010
28 backers
Sosteniamo il Biologico!

Fair Trade


Sosteniamo il Biologico!

by Mary e Claudia

Biologico - la nostra passione! Attenzione al cliente - il nostro credo! Contribuisci anche tu ad alimentare il sogno del Punto Bio! Ogni aiuto, anche minimo, è importante per noi!

111 %
CHF 27’990
55 backers

Music and Performing Arts

Innsbruck, Trento, and Bolzano


by ChristinaConstanze

LORIT ist eine Tiroler Endzeitoper und Urauffürungsprojekt dreier junger Künstler:innen. Das Konzept gewann den Südtiroler FRINGE-Wettbewerb und wird nun in der kommenden Saison 23/24 realisiert.

318 %
EUR 3’180
27 backers
Lea e L'Ape Adelaide

Kids / Youth, Literature, and Environment

Alto Malcantone

Lea e l'Ape Adelaide è un libro nato per i bambini, per avvicinarli alla natura attraverso il divertimento. Tanti bimbi hanno già conosciuto Adelaide, così tanti che ora abbiamo bisogno di ristamparlo

100 %
CHF 1’000
6 backers
Freedom for the masks!

Performing arts, art, and Tourism


With this crowdfunding, we are asking for your help to perpetuate the activity and existence of the neapolitan atelier and shop "la maschera è libertà, dedicated to Commedia dell’Arte’s masks'.

128 %
EUR 7’688
69 backers
Caspar von Nebenan EP

Music and Art


Caspar von Nebenan EP

by Caspar von Nebenan

Caspar von Nebenan brings his first EP. Six songs, five students and no money. Caspar needs you to make the publication possible and to reach as many ears as possible.

141 %
CHF 1’411
14 backers
Bordei in Festa

Agriculture, Festival, and Art


Bordei in Festa

by Clima Clowns

We want to learn how to heal the earth - by combining the artistic and the agricultural. Support our first action: A program festival that aims to bring regenerative life into a mountain village!

125 %
CHF 5’001
36 backers

Politics and Community

Lugano, Athens, and Corinth


by Aletheia.RCS

Fundraising to purchase basic necessities (food and hygiene) for our projects in Corinth/Athens in support of migrants and refugees stuck in Greece

120 %
CHF 6’001
67 backers
Oase in Ligurien Teil 2

Community, art, and Tourism


Oase in Ligurien Teil 2

by Verein ULA, Stöckel & Schuh

Unser Kraftort in Ligurien startet durch mit dem ersten Angebot: 2 Skulpturkurse mit Lebendmodell: zu Gast in dem Kraft, - und Erholungsort: Matteo Todeschini aus Verona - für alle kreativen Menschen.

108 %
EUR 8’065
49 backers
The Perception of Reception

Film, Community, and Education

Milan and Geneva

A documentary film on the lived experience of refugees hosted in Milan’s reception centres, and of the operators that manage them. Invaluable agents of change, re-negotiating Milan’s urban space.

100 %
EUR 4’000
26 backers
Die Reise

Food, Community, and Literature

Verona, Palermo, and Marseille

Die Reise

by Sibylla und Fritz

Eine wilde Irrfahrt durch Italien bis nach Nordafrika führt den Autor Marco Stalder mit der geheimnisvollen Elena Pignatelli zusammen - ist sie eine Menschenfreundin oder Angehörige der Mafia?

100 %
CHF 4’020
24 backers
30 years of Coro Calicantus

Music, Kids / Youth, and Education


30 years of Coro Calicantus

by Coro Calicantus

30 years of music and education packed into two evenings of celebration! Gala concert with a multifaceted music selection from the Calicantus repertoire.

104 %
CHF 5’230
89 backers
Support Yannick and Nara!

Politics, Community, and Environment


Support Yannick and Nara!

by Yannick Demaria and Nara Valsangiacomo

With this project, you can support Yannick Demaria and Nara Valsangiacomo's campaign for the 2023 Ticino cantonal elections.

115 %
CHF 3’469
35 backers
Diego Baratti in Parlamento!

Politics and Kids / Youth


Tramite questo progetto, potrai sostenere con un piccolo contributo la campagna per il Gran Consiglio di Diego Baratti, per realizzare insieme il futuro del Ticino!

104 %
CHF 2’615
25 backers
Giovani Verdi a Bellinzona!

Politics, Kids / Youth, and Environment


Giovani Verdi a Bellinzona!

by Deborah Meili, Nara Valsangiacomo, and Clara Seitz

Ci sta a cuore avere un futuro su questo pianeta, dove territorio e persone possano convivere in armonia. Per dar voce a queste idee sostieni la nostra campagna per le elezioni Cantonali del 2/4/23!

120 %
CHF 3’020
43 backers
Global Science Film Festival

Science, Film, and Festival

Lugano, Basel, and Zürich

Global Science Film Festival

by Silvie Cuperus and Samer Angelone

The Global Science Film Festival brings together society, filmmakers and science in cinema every year. Join us for the spring 2023 edition in Zurich, Basel or Lugano!

200 %
CHF 10’030
30 backers
Less is Love

Community and Kids / Youth


Less is Love

by Associazione Helianto

Fundraising by the Helianto Association to renovate the mother-and-child clinic in the Uragaha region of Sri Lanka.

130 %
CHF 7’850
107 backers
Salva il Monte Püscennegro

Agriculture, Environment, and Animals


Dieser alte Verzasca-Berg, der aus Ställen und Steingebäuden besteht und keine Straße hat, muss restauriert werden! Eine Associazione («Pro») von Freiwilligen engagiert sich. Helfen Sie uns :-)

105 %
CHF 9’500
64 backers
NEW CD – Deutsche Reise



NEW CD – Deutsche Reise

by Silvia Puggioni

Realization of the new album by the Puggioni-Sanna duo entitled Deutsche Reise: a trip to Germany in the early 1900s with Alban Berg, Max Reger, Paul Hindemith and Hans Poser.

100 %
EUR 2’501
45 backers
Artist in Residence Milan

Exhibition and Art


Artist in Residence Milan

by Federico Vecchi

Via Farini Artist in Residence offer the great opportunity of international visibility to my work and professional networking to help me in the development of my career.

115 %
EUR 11’560
34 backers
Humanitarian air operator

Startup and Community

Lampedusa, Chișinău, and Nairobi

Humanitarian air operator

by Humanitarian Pilots Initiative

In order to continue our projects, we need to establish a humanitarian air operator. Only with joint forces can we continue our commitment to people in need. Help us to do this!

109 %
CHF 54’791
173 backers

Music and Performing Arts

Salgesch, Locarno, and Lugano



It's a tragicomic theatre production that stands on the border of physical theatre and circus arts. The goal is to create an immersive FANTASY world on stage for the family audiences.

150 %
CHF 9’000
103 backers


Vevey, Lyon, and Naples


by Luca Bertogliati

« MALANDRINO » (action/comique) raconte les heurs et malheurs de deux trafiquants italiens qui tentent de développer le marché de l’organisation à laquelle ils appartiennent, sur le Territoire suisse.

104 %
CHF 10’495
101 backers
Natural Labor

Startup and Environment


Natural Labor

by Larissa e Roberta

Workshop for the production of handmade soaps. Natural products that respect the environment, take care of our skin and put us in a good mood.

100 %
CHF 3’005
29 backers
Playing in Memphis


Lugano, Bellinzona, and Memphis

Playing in Memphis

by Federico Albertoni and NigelC

Freddie & the Cannonballs need your help to make our lifelong dream come true: to fly to the United States of America and represent Switzerland at the International Blues Challenge in Memphis, TN!

125 %
CHF 10’001
83 backers

Kids / Youth, Technology, and Education

Zürich, Lugano, and Lausanne


by GirlsCodeToo

GirlsCodeToo aims to foster and nurture the curiosity, skills, and creativity of girls. We teach tech skills that help them make career and educational decisions for their future! Wanna get involved?

101 %
CHF 20’358
164 backers
Io sono Nijinsky

Performing arts and Art

Lugano, Biasca, and Bellinzona

Io sono Nijinsky

by Elisa Pagliaro and Daniele Bernardi

Freely adapted from the diaries of the star of the Ballets Russes. By and with Daniele Bernardi. Teatro Sociale (Bellinzona) 19.11.21.
Teatro Foce (Lugano) 26-28.11.21. Teatro Tan (Biasca) 4.12.21.

100 %
CHF 3’020
38 backers
"Maybe a concert"

Music and Performing Arts


«Maybe a concert»

by Raissa Avilés

«Maybe a concert» è un viaggio che incarna la musica in un flusso continuo cercando di andare «oltre» le canzoni, ciò che rappresentano o ciò che sembrano rappresentare.

103 %
CHF 5’160
55 backers
Negotiating money&happiness

Publishing, Community, and Education


Does life only revolve around money and business? Or should we be more concerned with achieving a balance between money, happiness and health? Where lies the true power of negotiation?

102 %
EUR 9’199
45 backers
Wir tun mehr für das Meer!

Science, Environment, and Animals

Sicilì and Zürich

Wir tun mehr für das Meer!

by Thomas Murschetz

Als Wohltätigkeitsorganisation will Donating Hands für KYMA sea conversation & research ein Kurzportrait und Content für ihre Medienkanäle erstellen. So wird KYMA in Wachstum und Reichweite gefördert.

100 %
CHF 8’050
33 backers
The Erlkings: Franz & Ludwig

Music, art, and Literature

Vienna, London, and Naples

Join The Erlkings as they create their next studio recorded double-album, featuring Neapolitan mandolin virtuoso Marcello Smigliante Gentile and songs by Beethoven and Schubert!

106 %
EUR 15’933
138 backers
Casa Tre Valli

Architecture, tourism, and Environment


Casa Tre Valli

by Katharina Oehler, Gregor Vögtli, and Andreas Renz

Wir wollen ein über 200 jähriges Tessiner Steinhaus renovieren, neu beleben und darin CO2 neutrale Ferien ermöglichen. Hilf uns den ökologischen Umbau zu realisieren.

119 %
CHF 26’280
50 backers
Wie die alten Meister...

Art and Education


Wie die alten Meister...

by Annika Schick

Das Crowdfunding ermöglicht mir eine Basisausbildung als Skulpteur und wird mir das Wissen und die Instrumente liefern, die ich brauche, um meine Skills autodidaktisch zu erweitern.

118 %
CHF 5’570
30 backers
Gesero Hut summer 2021

Food, Sport, and Tourism


Gesero Hut summer 2021

by Andrea Gerna

We want to invest in small works of embellishment and renovation in order to ensure a last and glorious season at the Gesero Hut located at 1774 meters above sea level.

105 %
CHF 6’315
45 backers
Rettet unser kleines B&B

Community and Tourism


Rettet unser kleines B&B

by HomeSuiteHome

Corona hat uns an die Existenzgrenze gebracht und wir – meine Frau, ihre Mama und ich – sind dabei unser Familien geführtes B&B zu verlieren. Wir bitten Euch um eine kleine Hilfe.

105 %
EUR 3’150
3 backers
Ausstellung #iorestoacasa

Exhibition, Publishing, and Art


Ausstellung #iorestoacasa

by konzept&klartext

«Was siehst du, wenn du aus dem Fenster schaust?» Du hättest diese Ausstellung auch gerne gesehen? Hilf mit, dann ist schon bald eine virtuelle Besichtigung möglich und wir überwinden Raum und Zeit!

100 %
CHF 4’800
17 backers
Food Forest in Sizilien

Agriculture, Community, and Environment


Food Forest in Sizilien

by Crowd Container

Sei von Anfang an mit dabei! Ermögliche eine klimafreundliche und mafiafreie Landwirtschaft in Sizilien und hilf mit, dass sich die frischen Früchte und Nüsse schon bald auf den Weg zu uns machen.

113 %
CHF 67’875
477 backers
L'Elisir d'amore


Beinwil am See and Ascona

L’Elisir d’amore

by Natalie Eichenberger

Opern-Liebhaber müssen nicht zwingend zu einer Grossstadt fahren um eine Aufführung zu geniessen. Piccola Opera produziert L’Elisir d’amore im Taschenformat und dafür hautnah.

104 %
CHF 3’120
11 backers
Food Waste as Resource

Startup, agriculture, and Environment


Food Waste as Resource

by Elisa Filippi and Elena Bittante

Help us to build the little house for the queen of bioconversion. Where it reproduces and prepares itself for the process of valorization of food waste into new sustainable and healthy resources.

102 %
CHF 25’517
65 backers
1 Stadtkarte + 2 Leporellos

Publishing, Politics, and Community


1 Stadtkarte + 2 Leporellos

by tOmi Scheiderbauer

Mit deiner Hilfe entwickeln und produzieren wir - VON UND FÜR GEFLÜCHTETE - eine alternative Stadtkarte von Lecce und zwei Leporellos, exklusiv für die Strassenverkäuferinnen von Lecce.

130 %
EUR 7’830
56 backers

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You have a project and we are in the crowdfunding business. Get your funding now and make sure people start hearing about your idea. If you have questions or need professional crowdfunding advice, our experts are happy to help you.

  • You don’t pay until your project is successful
  • Make it public when you feel ready to
  • Successful projects since 20127,511
  • Our wemakeit success rate62%
  • Total amount of supportEUR 105.8 m
  • Community Members668,929