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  • CHF 5.-1 prise


    Download of an exclusive set of high quality PHOTOS from production, some taken by the crew, some taken by our official photographer, all of them great! Thank you! Your name will be included on the film's website Supporters page & Facebook page.

  • CHF 25.-0 prise


    Download of an exclusive set of high quality PHOTOS from production, some taken by the crew, some taken by our official photographer, all of them great!
    And download the 24H STREET KIDS ORIGINAL film in high quality.
    Thank you! Your name will be included on the film's website Supporters page & Facebook page.

  • CHF 50.-3 prises


    Download of an exclusive set of high quality PHOTOS from production, some taken by the crew, some taken by our official photographer, all of them great!
    And download the 24H STREET KIDS ORIGINAL film in high quality.
    And download of 24H STREET KIDS behind the scenes commentary on the ORIGINAL SCORE by ND & Sophal Strupler. These two are the composers behind the film.
    Thank you! Your name will be included on the film's website Supporters page & Facebook page.

  • CHF 100.-0 prise


    Download of an exclusive set of high quality PHOTOS from production, some taken by the crew, some taken by our official photographer, all of them great!
    And download the 24H STREET KIDS ORIGINAL film in high quality.
    And download of 24H STREET KIDS behind the scenes commentary on the ORIGINAL SCORE by ND & Sophal Strupler. These two are the composers behind the film.
    And a ONE-HOUR SKYPE CALL with ND Strupler, director of 24H STREET KIDS. ND will give you (and a group, if you like) more behind the scene information and personal experience about the life of a child living in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Great for Schools or any kind of discussion group.
    Thank you! Your name will be included on the film's website Supporters page & Facebook page.

  • CHF 250.-3 prises


    Hey, big spender. You want all of the above along with an ASSOCIATE PRODUCER credit on the film?
    And download of an exclusive set of high quality PHOTOS from production, some taken by the crew, some taken by our official photographer, all of them great!
    And Download the 24H STREET KIDS ORIGINAL film in high quality.
    And download of 24H STREET KIDS behind the scenes commentary on the ORIGINAL SCORE by ND & Sophal Strupler. These two are the composers behind the film.
    And a ONE-HOUR SKYPE CALL with ND Strupler, director of 24H STREET KIDS. ND will give you (and a group, if you like) more behind the scene information and personal experience about the life of a child living in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Great for Schools or any kind of discussion group.
    Thank you! Your name will be included on the film's website Supporters page & Facebook page.

  • CHF 500.-0 prise


    Hey, even bigger spender. You want all of the above along with an EXECUTIVE PRODUCER credit on the film? Looking forward to meet you in person.
    And download of an exclusive set of high quality PHOTOS from production, some taken by the crew, some taken by our official photographer, all of them great!
    And download the 24H STREET KIDS ORIGINAL film in high quality.
    And download of 24H STREET KIDS behind the scenes commentary on the ORIGINAL SCORE by ND & Sophal Strupler. These two are the composers behind the film.
    And a ONE-HOUR SKYPE CALL with ND Strupler, director of 24H STREET KIDS. ND will give you (and a group, if you like) more behind the scene information and personal experience about the life of a child living in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Great for Schools or any kind of discussion group.
    Thank you! Your name will be included on the film's website Supporters page & Facebook page.