Sélectionnez une contrepartie

Indiquez si vous souhaitez soutenir le projet avec ou sans contrepartie.

Soutenir sans contrepartie

Soutenez le projet avec un montant de votre choix et prenez part à son succès.

Faire cadeau de ma contribution

Vous recevez un certificat personnel pour le*la destinataire*rice du cadeau

  • EUR 2.-9 prises


    Your name will appear on the list of «Backers» on our website!

  • EUR 5.-4 prises


    Your name will appear on the list of «Backers» on our website and you’ll receive 5 IC stickers (to be collected in Warsaw)!

  • EUR 5.-22 prises


    Your name will appear on the list of «Backers» on our website and you’ll receive an IC bracelet (to be collected in Warsaw)!

  • EUR 15.-10 prises


    Your name will appear on the list of «Backers» on our website and you’ll receive a unique IC t-shirt (to be collected in Warsaw)!

  • EUR 20.-3 prises


    Besides appearing on the «Backers» list on our website, you’ll receive a customised personal video summing up the Congress thanking you for your support.

  • EUR 25.-8 prises


    Your name will appear on the list of «Backers» on our website and you’ll receive a whole pack of unique IC gadgets: a t-shirt, a bracelet, 5 stickers and a bag (to be collected in Warsaw)!

  • EUR 40.-9 prises


    You’ll receive both a customised personal video summing up the Congress with thanks and a pack of gadgets including: a t-shirt, a bracelet, 5 stickers and a bag. You’ll also appear on «Backers» list, of course!

  • EUR 125.-3 / 100 prises


    You’ll receive an exclusive invitation for Opening Ceremony of AIESEC International Congress 2016 in Teatr Wielki – National Opera on the 14th of August 2016 at 12 PM. You’ll appear on our «backers» list on our website as well, of course!

  • EUR 500.-1 / 1 prise


    You’ll receive an exclusive double invitation for Opening Ceremony of AIESEC International Congress 2016 in Teatr Wielki – National Opera on the 14th of August 2016 at 12 PM. Besides this, you’ll be invited for an exclusive dinner with 7 members of Congress Committee Core Team: Magda, Kornelia, Aleksandra, Katarzyna, Adrian, Wojciech and Jakub!