Scegli se desideri sostenere il progetto con o senza ricompensa.
Sostieni il progetto con una somma a tua scelta ed entra a far parte di una storia di successo.
Riceverai un certificato personalizzato per il destinatario del regalo
CHF 20.-3 prese
You will receive 3 postcards, each with a motif from my creative work.
CHF 30.-16 prese
You will receive a signed copy of the publication delivered to your home.
CHF 50.-6 prese
You will receive a signed copy of the publication delivered to your home accompanied by 3 postcards, each with a motif from my creative work.
CHF 80.-5 prese
You will receive a signed copy of the publication delivered to your home accompanied by two signed posters, each with a motif from my creative work.
CHF 140.-1 presa
You will receive two signed copies of the publication delivered to your home.You will also get an original artwork from me, either a 3D printed sculpture for the wall or a drawing. Both come with a certificate of authenticity.
CHF 200.-1 presa
You will receive two signed copies of the publication delivered to your home.You will also get two original artworks from me, a 3D printed sculpture for the wall and a drawing. Both come with a certificate of authenticity.
CHF 300.-0 prese
You will receive two signed copies of the publication delivered to your home.You will also get two original artworks from me, a 3D printed sculpture for the wall and a drawing. Both come with a certificate of authenticity. In addition, you will receive a dance lesson tailored to your needs.
CHF 400.-0 prese
You will receive two signed copies of the publication delivered to your home.You will also get two original artworks from me, a 3D printed sculpture for the wall and a drawing. Both come with a certificate of authenticity. In addition, you will receive two dance lesson tailored to your needs.