Wähle aus, ob du das Projekt mit oder ohne Belohnung unterstützen möchtest.
Unterstütze das Projekt mit einem Geldbetrag deiner Wahl und werde Teil der Erfolgsgeschichte.
Du erhältst ein persönliches Zertifikat für den*die Beschenkte*n
CHF 15.-0 vergeben
If you are able to back us with CHF 15, you will receive a postcard made by children with one quote from children and a dedication note especially for you.
CHF 25.-1 vergeben
If you are able to back us with CHF 25, we would like to send you our emblem with a dedication note especially for you.
CHF 50.-0 vergeben
If you are able to back us with CHF 50, you will receive a work of art done by children along with their photo and their thanking message.
CHF 75.-0 vergeben
If you back us with CHF 75, you are welcome to ask us questions and we will send you a video recording of our experts answering your questions. You are also invited at our center for snacks and soda at one of or Art Therapy sessions with children, or we can send you a recording.
CHF 100.-0 vergeben
If you support us with CHF 100, you are invited for one Art Therapy session for you only at our center, where we can address your story and you can create your own art work. Also we can call you via telephone or internet and guide an Art Therapy session especially for you.
CHF 200.-0 vergeben
If you support us with CHF 200, you will receive an authentic work of art done by academy artist with a special dedication note, and a video recording of our team thanking you and a mention on our website.
CHF 500.-0 vergeben
If you support us with CHF 500, we will name our workshops after you over one month period and send you videos, as well as and children work of art done in those sessions. Also a thanking note dedicated to you will be permanently placed on our website.