Scegliere una ricompensa

Scegli se desideri sostenere il progetto con o senza ricompensa.

Sostenere senza ricompensa

Sostieni il progetto con una somma a tua scelta ed entra a far parte di una storia di successo.

Regalare il sostegno di un progetto

Riceverai un certificato personalizzato per il destinatario del regalo

  • EUR 10.-77 prese

    Postcard + Sticker

    Postcard + Sticker

    The postcard is so beautiful that you might think twice about sending it.

    + Sticker for your laptop, bike, notebook, or whatever you like to tag.

  • EUR 30.-49 prese

    Fabric bag

    Double-sided fabric bag with the slogan «I bin a Supporter. Du a?» [I'm a supporter. Are you?] and illustration from Mwita.

  • EUR 45.-23 / 150 prese

    O.S.T. Vinyl

    Vinyl of the original soundtrack for the film AUSTROSCHWARZ

  • EUR 70.-1 / 10 presa

    Listening Session

    Listen to the soundtrack by Nico Mpunga aka Kimyan Law exclusively before its release in the recording studio. After completion, we will send you a signed copy of the soundtrack by mail.

  • EUR 85.-15 / 15 prese

    Black History Vienna

    Guided walk through Vienna's Black history with Claudia Unterweger and Vanessa Spanbauer.

    The walk is scheduled for Saturday, September 21, the alternative date in case of bad weather is Friday, September 27.

  • EUR 120.-13 / 15 prese

    BONUS! 2x Premiere Tickets

    Admission for you and your companion to the Vienna premiere of the film, including aperitifs for toasting our film.

  • EUR 120.-15 / 15 prese

    premiere tickets + aperitif

    Admission for you and your companion to the Vienna premiere of the film, including aperitifs for toasting.

  • EUR 250.-10 / 20 prese

    Mention in credits

    Have you always wanted to see your name on the big screen? Here is your chance!

  • EUR 1.000.-0 / 5 prese

    Excl. screening + discussion

    You provide the space and the people, we bring the film! Following the screening, at least two team members (depending on location and schedule) will engage in a discussion with you.

    Please note: This offer is intended for individuals, non-profits, NGOs, or companies (for internal events only), and not for commercial organizers. You may not charge admission, but you are welcome to collect voluntary donations to cover your expenses. Outside of Austria, the post-screening discussion may need to take place via Zoom or similar platforms.

  • EUR 5.000.-0 / 2 prese

    Executive Producer

    With your generous support, you’re bringing us significantly closer to our goal and in return, you’ll receive the honorary title of ’Executive Producer’.

    Additionally, you’ll receive the postcard, the vinyl record of the film’s soundtrack, our fabric bag, and 2 tickets to the premiere!