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  • CHF 25.-49 prises

    250g organic honey

    Do you have a sweet tooth? Then hum with joy, because we have pure honey!
    On offer:
    Spring honey, the creamy flirt for the tongue.
    Sumer honey, the crystalline pick-me-up.
    Forest honey, which is malty - - the bear among honeys.

    Come by to pick up your jar at our Honey Shop in Hedingen, where your choice will be a sweet ordeal!

  • CHF 35.-1 prise

    grape honey brandy

    Come by (our Honey Shop in Hedingen) and pick up a 2dl bottle of our exquisite organic grape brandy (40%vol.), made directly from the grapes of our own garden - - guaranteed unsprayed! This brandy which is refined with our organic honey will make your heart sing, and maybe your feet dance.

  • CHF 40.-11 prises

    250g organic honey shipping

    Do you have a sweet tooth? Then hum with joy, because we have pure honey!
    On offer:
    Spring honey, the creamy flirt for the tongue.
    Sumer honey, the crystalline pick-me-up.
    Forest honey, which is malty - - the bear among honeys.

    No matter which one you may choose we will send it straight to you by post.

    For shipment to other countries in Europe and beyond please donate more (for postage)

  • CHF 45.-7 prises

    500g organic honey

    Do you have a sweet tooth? Then hum with joy, because we have pure honey!
    On offer:
    Spring honey, the creamy flirt for the tongue.
    Sumer honey, the crystalline pick-me-up.
    Forest honey, which is malty - - the bear among honeys.

    Come by to pick up your jar at our Honey Shop in Hedingen, where your choice will be a sweet ordeal!

  • CHF 50.-2 prises

    grape brandy shipping

    You will get a 2dl bottle of our exquisite organic grape brandy (40%vol.), made directly from the grapes of our own garden - - guaranteed unsprayed! This brandy which is refined with our organic honey will make your heart sing, and maybe your feet dance.

    We will send it to you so that you can feel the rhythm of nature!

    For shipment to other countries in Europe and beyond please donate more (for postage)

  • CHF 60.-9 prises

    500g organic honey shipping

    Do you have a sweet tooth? Then hum with joy, because we have pure honey!
    On offer:
    Spring honey, the creamy flirt for the tongue.
    Sumer honey, the crystalline pick-me-up.
    Forest honey, which is malty - - the bear among honeys.

    No matter which one you may choose we will send it straight to you by post.

    For shipment to other countries in Europe and beyond please donate more (for postage)

  • CHF 85.-1 prise

    tasting set

    You will feel like being in paradise when you visit our Honey Shop in Hedingen!

    In this tasting set you will find everything your heart desires:
    500g organic honey
    110g dried organic pollen from the region, perfect for breakfast yoghurt or to be dissolved in a juice to activate your superpowers
    2dl organic grape brandy (40% vol), refined with organic honey - - sinful!

  • CHF 100.-3 prises

    Einweihung und Fahrzeugtaufe

    Die Vorfreude auf die Fahrzeugtaufe und die Namensgebung «Bees on the Road» ist sicherlich gross! Es mag zwar noch 2-3 Jahre dauern, aber die Zeit wird sicherlich mit spannender Planung und Vorbereitung schnell vergehen.

    Du wirst nicht nur mit Met und köstlichen Häppchen verwöhnt werden, sondern auch die Gelegenheit haben, tief in das Thema Renovation des Bienenwanderwagens einzutauchen. Deine Fragen beantworten wir gerne, während das Fahrzeug in aller Ruhe sowohl von innen als auch von aussen inspizieren kannst. Das wird ein toller Event!

  • CHF 100.-11 prises

    tasting set shipping

    In this tasting set you will find everything your heart desires:
    500g organic honey
    110g dried organic pollen from the region, perfect for breakfast yoghurt or to be dissolved in a juice to activate your superpowers
    2dl organic grape brandy (40% vol), refined with organic honey - - sinful!

    The best thing : it comes straight to your door - - dispatched by post.

    For shipment to other countries in Europe and beyond please donate more (for postage)

  • CHF 150.-10 / 10 prises

    Family tour on a Apiary

    Wearing protective-gear for you and your family (6 persons max), looking like astronauts on a «honey mission», you will experience the fascinating world of beekeeping.

    A short presentation by Jürg - - will explain the wonderful aspects of bee life. From the way they communicate and navigate to their crucial role in pollinating plants and flowers.

    After the presentation you will experience a live bee colony. This offers a unique opportunity to se these amazing insects in action and experience their behaviour close up.

    Apart from watching the bees at work, you will be able to taste different types of honey and realise that each honey is unique. Advice: Do not worry should a bee gets too curious - - it’s only interested in your good taste!

    After about two hours of «buzzing lessons» the apiary tour should be over. You will then leave enriched with knowledge about bees and perhaps a little sticky from tasting honey and ready to «fly» homewards.

    (Guided tour and lecture in German only)

  • CHF 200.-4 prises

    bee gift set

    With a click of their tiny bees’ wings they select the finest products from their hive for you. They will put together a gift set so exquisite in bee-products that you will start to feel like a queen bee.

    Honey lip balm to make your lips taste as sweet as honey.
    Honey soap that you almost wish you could eat
    Beeswax wipes
    Rechaud candles made from pure beeswax. They are not only a bright spot for romantic evenings but also a feast for the nose!

    It’s the perfect set for anyone who wants to take their love of bee products to the next level, or for those who just want to enjoy honey products without getting stung.

  • CHF 220.-2 prises

    bee gift set shipping

    With a click of their tiny bees’ wings they select the finest products from their hive for you. They will put together a gift set so exquisite in bee-products that you will start to feel like a queen bee.

    Honey lip balm to make your lips taste as sweet as honey.
    Honey soap that you almost wish you could eat
    Beeswax wipes
    Rechaud candles made from pure beeswax. They are not only a bright spot for romantic evenings but also a feast for the nose!

    It’s the perfect set for anyone who wants to take their love of bee products to the next level, or for those who just want to enjoy honey products without getting stung.

    The best thing : it comes straight to your door - - dispatched by post.

    For shipment to other countries in Europe and beyond please donate more (for postage)

  • CHF 270.-2 prises

    annual subscription 250g

    You can decide whether you want to pick up a little sweet surprise in form of a jar of 250g Organic Honey from our Honey Shop in Hedingen every month or whether you want to pick up 12 jars all at once! Of course you can choose the honey that suits your taste.

  • CHF 300.-2 prises

    annual subscription shipping

    Just imagine : a swam of busy bees buzzing straight up to your doorstep to personally hand you the new harvest in form of 12 x 250g organic honey. Wouldn’t that be fantastic?
    Don’t worry, we will send the postman instead. He may not buzz but he shall deliver just as reliably. Have your spoon ready because you will soon be able to snack on the honey.

    For shipment to other countries in Europe and beyond please donate more (for postage)

  • CHF 380.-2 prises

    Sponsorship for bee colony

    You are the godfather or godmother of the busy bees! Your name will be emblazoned on the beehive like a banner - - for a whole year. Between May and August you can visit your buzzing subjects 1-2 times, maybe even lend a hand - - if you dare! The royal reward - - 3kg of liquid gold. Six jars of sweetness shall be waiting for you!

    Visits to the apiary are conducted in German.

  • CHF 440.-1 prise

    annual subscription 500g

    You can decide whether you want to pick up a little sweet surprise in form of a jar of 500g Organic Honey from our Honey Shop in Hedingen every month or whether you want to pick up 12 jars all at once! Of course you can choose the honey that suits your taste.

  • CHF 470.-1 prise

    annual subscription shipping

    Just imagine : a swam of busy bees buzzing straight up to your doorstep to personally hand you the new harvest in form of 12 x 500g organic honey. Wouldn’t that be fantastic?
    Don’t worry, we will send the postman instead. He may not buzz but he shall deliver just as reliably. Have your spoon ready because you will soon be able to snack on the honey.

    For shipment to other countries in Europe and beyond please donate more (for postage)

  • CHF 500.-0 prise

    Führung für 2 (4 Std.)

    Nur für dich und deine Partnerin oder Partner – ein exklusives Abenteuer in der Welt der Bienen!
    Ihr seid selbst Bienenflüsterer auf einer geheimen Mission im Bienenstock. Eure Aufgabe: Ihr lernt das Bienenjahr kennen, während Ihr in einem Imkeranzug (die Bienen sind ja neugierig!) unter Anleitung ein Bienenvolk öffnet, natürlich nur wenn ihr möchtet...

    Nach einem halben Tag intensiver Bienenarbeit und euren spannenden Fragen geht ihr mit einem süssen Lohn nach Hause – 2 kg des feinsten Honigs.

  • CHF 560.-0 prise

    Beehive - - with name plate

    In the world of buzzing business, there's a new kind of property market - for bees! Sponsoring bee hives is a great way to support the industrious pollinators and do something for the environment at the same time. Why not sponsor a new home with your nameplate for a buzzing community and become part of the fascinating world of beekeeping at the same time?

  • CHF 1’000.-2 prises

    Friends event - - with bees

    Wearing protective-gear for you and your friends (8 persons max), looking like astronauts on a «honey mission», you will experience the fascinating world of beekeeping.

    A short presentation by Jürg - - will explain the wonderful aspects of bee life. From the way they communicate and navigate to their crucial role in pollinating plants and flowers.

    After the presentation you will experience a live bee colony. This offers a unique opportunity to se these amazing insects in action and experience their behaviour close up.

    Apart from watching the bees at work, you will be able to taste different types of honey and realise that each honey is unique. Advice: Do not worry should a bee gets too curious - - it’s only interested in your good taste!

    To finish off a perfect and eventful day - - honey wine and small appetisers will be served!

    (Guided tour and lecture in German only)

  • CHF 1’700.-0 prise

    Team event - - with bees

    Wearing protective-gear for you and your friends or company colleagues (15 persons max), looking like astronauts on a «honey mission», you will experience the fascinating world of beekeeping.

    A short presentation by Jürg - - will explain the wonderful aspects of bee life. From the way they communicate and navigate to their crucial role in pollinating plants and flowers.

    After the presentation you will experience a live bee colony. This offers a unique opportunity to se these amazing insects in action and experience their behaviour close up.

    Apart from watching the bees at work, you will be able to taste different types of honey and realise that each honey is unique. Advice: Do not worry should a bee gets too curious - - it’s only interested in your good taste!

    To finish off a perfect and eventful day - - honey wine and small appetisers will be served!

    (Guided tour and lecture in German only)

  • CHF 2’500.-0 prise

    Sponsoring paintwork

    Attention bee fans!
    If you support us with the new paint job, your name, or company logo, will soon be shining on the side or back of the Berna - - while the busy bees buzz from flower to flower.

    Sponsoring can be a fascinating business, especially when it comes to being mentioned by name on The Lorry.