Choose your reward

Please indicate whether, in return for backing the project, you would like to get a reward or not.

Back without rewardä

Back the project with any amount of your own choosing and become a part of the success story.

Give away a project backing as a giftä

You will receive a personal certificate for the recipient of your gift

  • CHF 25.-0 taken

    Thank You Card.ä

    - Designed from all of my heart
    - In the languages of your choice DE, EN, FR, RU.
    - To acknowledge your generosity

  • CHF 30.-0 taken

    Thank You Call.ä

    - A call from my whole heart
    - In the languages of your choice: DE, EN, FR, RU.
    - To acknowledge your generosity.

  • CHF 35.-1 taken

    What is Emotional Healing?ä

    Online group discussion on techniques and methods and how you can benefit from it. An interactive get-together with you and me as an industry professional. Already here you will feel the first changes in your life.

  • CHF 40.-1 / 5 taken

    PhD Coffee Tastingä

    In a group, lead by Dr. Alessandra Salvin and Dr. Taro Hosoe
    - Discover and develop your ways to compare and contrast the various coffee taste dimensions.
    - Learn 4 powerful tools to measure coffee sensations: acidity, body, sweetness and finish.
    - Taste coffees from different regions in the world
    - Learn the experts lingo and crack the coffee code: fair trade, organic, wild, speciality, flavoured, gourmet.
    - with Q & A
    - delicious cookies 100% included

    It takes place in the premises of Hosoe Caffè in Zurich.

  • CHF 60.-0 / 5 taken

    PhD Coffee Tasting & Makingä

    With Dr. Alessandra Salvin and Dr. Taro Hosoe
    - read for coffee tasting above
    - learn the favourite ways of doing cappuccino and espresso of Dr. Salvin and Dr. Hosoe
    - let science guard you and your coffee ☺
    - with Q & A
    - delicious cookies 100% included

    It takes place in the premises of Hosoe Caffè in Zurich.

  • CHF 60.-3 / 20 taken

    Mindfullness meditationä

    Join me for a mindfulness meditation in a group, with Q&A.

  • CHF 90.-0 / 5 taken

    Ask Me Anything.ä

    - I’m glad to share my experience and answer any questions about emotional healing, meditation and energy psychology methods.
    - Or simply find out what keeps me going and how & where I get inspired?
    - Or would you like to know what I learned about leadership when I used to work in the refugee camp?
    - Why I stopped volunteering in the hospice?
    - What are the top 3 challenges that my clients face?
    - How I turned from a MBA graduate to an emotional healing practitioner ?
    - What do I carry in my handbag? And what is in in my bicycle bag?
    - What allergies and panic conditions I had before my emotional healing?
    - What is the most unusual client request I ever had?
    - Or anything else?

    Curious? Then ask me!

  • CHF 120.-1 / 10 taken

    DIY Speed-Group Coaching.ä

    Have you ever heard these well know phrases?

    - I feel I’m stuck ...
    - I’d like to move on - I just don’t know how ...

    I’m here for you. DYI speed group coaching is specifically designed for very busy people and those who like to empower themselves. Choosing this pledge will help you to detect quickly what is really behind a reason holding you back. So that you focus on its root cause and to begin solving it.

  • CHF 200.-2 / 10 taken

    Truth or Lie.ä

    Learn decoding signals from your subconscious mind!
    Join me in a small group online workshop on how to perform a simple muscle testing.
    - Its principles are used in a polygraph - or so called a lie detector and in cinesiology.
    - You will learn different methods, pick and rate your own, and how to use them in your daily life.
    So you can connect to your subconscious mind on the go and click with yourself!

    2 x sessions, one is a follow up session.

  • CHF 300.-1 taken

    Meditation with You & Friendä

    - Suitable as a birthday or anniversary present.
    - Beginner friendly.
    - I will guide you and your friends through a meditation of your choice. It includes preparation and coming-back physical exercises.
    - You can choose breathing, mindfulness or stress relief meditation.

  • CHF 450.-0 taken

    Meditation & Yogaä

    For you and your friends
    - Ideal as a birthday or anniversary present.
    - Beginner friendly.
    - No Twist-Yourself-Into-A-Pretzel postures.
    - Simple and easy excercises with 'aha’-effect
    - No yoga probs required.
    - Afterwards I will guide you and your friends through a meditation of your choice. It includes exercises for a better integration in your daily life.
    You can choose breathing, mindfulness or stress relief meditation.

  • CHF 550.-1 taken

    Good Food Picnic.ä

    - suitable as a team lunch
    Let’s picnic in a small group!
    - Spend some time with me and I will share my knowledge about healthy food and beverages choices.
    - We will discuss ayurvedic nutritional principles.
    - I will adjust our exchange to the group's choice of subjects and topics.
    With ethnic food.

  • CHF 800.-0 taken

    Relationship Councellingä

    - Ideal for transcultural couples.
    Time factor and you both - how to leverage it and benefit from it mutually.
    - ’in the long run’ and ’she walks – he walks’ role game/s to reveal the unconscious couple’s behavioural dynamics.
    - 'in one stroke’ - rules and rituals anyone?
    - a field trip to frame ’the eleventh hour’ or ’I was not born yesterday’.
    - with action plan to follow.

    3 x sessions, follow up calls included.

  • CHF 2’000.-0 taken

    Get inspired by true storiesä

    Get inspired by true stories.
    - Ideal as a team event, birthday or anniversary present.
    - I will organise an event for you with people with refuges and migration experience. Learn about their dreams in Switzerland and their life stories.

    - With ethnic food & drinks provided. Vegan/vegetarian, alcohol-free.

  • CHF 2’500.-0 taken

    One Day with Me.ä

    One day with me - I will invite you to spend a day with me and will share my knowledge about healthy life style and healing techniques. We will discuss rejuvenation, longevity and mindfulness subjects. I will adjust our exchange to your interests and topics of your choice.

    I will cook for you and immerse you in my home culture or one of them. Vegan/vegetarian, alcohol-free.

  • CHF 3’500.-0 taken

    Light Withinä

    6 months coaching and emotional healing to make you shine! This is where you embrace the journey, with
    - defining your values, strengths and weaknesses
    - understanding your purpose in life
    - designing an action plan
    - identifying your most contra productive beliefs, the related emotional triggers and transforming them by tools of energetic psychology.
    By the end of the coaching you would know the answers to questions or challenges you may have in your life. Illuminate your path in life to move on. You can shine!