Choose your reward

Please indicate whether, in return for backing the project, you would like to get a reward or not.

Back without reward

Back the project with any amount of your own choosing and become a part of the success story.

Give away a project backing as a gift

You will receive a personal certificate for the recipient of your gift

  • CHF 1.-0 / 1 taken

    Autograph card

    You will receive an autograph card signed by your favourite musician.

    If you like you can donate something on top of the regular price.

  • CHF 1.-0 / 2 taken


    You will get an individual postcard from me sent to your home!

    You can also support me with an individual donation (even more).

  • CHF 5.-0 / 1 taken


    You get a poster from me (you can admire it, hang it up, show it to your friends, use the backside as notepaper and much more)!

    Of course you can also add your donation to the shop price (price mentioned above)!

  • CHF 5.-1 taken

    Download link to the EP

    You will get a link to download and listen to my EP «Plan B».

    If you like you can leave some more change to support me.

  • CHF 5.-0 / 1 taken

    Thank you letter

    You will receive a complete, individual, beautiful letter written by me personally.

    You are very welcome to donate more to this amount?

  • CHF 10.-0 / 10 taken

    80% Ticket zur Plattentaufe

    Du erhältst ein Ticket zur Plattentaufe, das um 80% billiger als je zuvor war! Das ist eine einmalige Chance, denn diese Tickets sind auch streng limitiert (nur 10 Stück!) Also lieber bis schnell sonst bist du zu spät!

    Und wenn du doch nicht nur dem Schnäpchen hinterher jagst, dann kannst du deine individuelle Spende da lassen (einfach noch dazu schreiben)!

  • CHF 10.-2 taken

    Sticker Set

    You will get different stickers from me (which you can stick everywhere where they can be seen!).

    If you still have some small change in your bank account, you are welcome to invest it in this project (by this kind-hearted deed you also become a part of my EP)!

  • CHF 10.-2 taken

    «Plan B» CD

    You will get a CD with my EP «Plan B» on it.
    I have and will invest a lot of sweat, blood, heart, head, time and much more into this production, so thank you for your contribution to my EP!

    You are also very welcome to support me even more with your individual donation.

    The amount mentioned above would be shown in my shop, if you want to support me and my project even more, you are very welcome to do so!

  • CHF 10.-0 / 1 taken

    Postcard set

    You will receive a postcard set with very nice postcards (of course designed, photographed or (and) edited by yourself.

    Further donations are of course very welcome.

  • CHF 10.-0 / 1 taken

    Thank you video

    You will receive an individual thank you video from me (just for you). A unique video in which I thank you in detail for your donation and maybe show you a song teaser (who knows).

    If you like you can support me even more by donating something in addition to this amount or by choosing another reward (e.g. a CD).

  • CHF 15.-0 / 1 taken

    Signed CD

    You get a signed CD (with my EP on it) plus a signed autograph card from your favourite musician.

    You are also very welcome to make further donations (e.g. choose another reward, or donate your individual donation)!

  • CHF 20.-0 / 1 taken

    Stofftasche mit Inhalt

    Du bekommst eine wunderschöne Stofftasche (passend zu meiner EP), mit Inhalt. Was der Inhalt sein wird ist jedoch eine Überraschung (auf jeden fall wird es sehr, sehr cool)!

    Wenn du magst kannst du sehr gerne auch noch deine individuelle Spende dazu spenden?!

  • CHF 20.-0 / 2 taken

    Exclusive documentary

    You will get an exclusive documentation about the making of the EP from the beginning to the end (with my emotions, short term ideas and everything else)!

    You are very welcome to leave your individual donation for this reward!

  • CHF 20.-0 taken

    T-shirt with EP tracklist

    You will get a T-shirt with the tracklist on it. If you want, you will also get an autograph card!

    You can also leave an individual donation.

  • CHF 20.-1 taken

    Fabric bag

    You will get a cloth bag with a surprise on it (will be very cool!) and if you wish you will even get a signed autograph card.

    The amount mentioned above could be bought in the shop, so I ask you to make a donation as well...!

  • CHF 30.-0 / 1 taken

    Merch Bundle 2-piece

    You will get a merch bundle with 2 products of your choice (t-shirt, cloth bag, CD, poster, set of postcards, EP download link). If you wish, you will also get an autograph card or the products will be signed by me.

  • CHF 30.-0 / 1 taken

    Jumper (Surprise)

    You will receive a jumper with a surprise on it.

    You are very welcome to add your individual donation to the amount mentioned above!

  • CHF 30.-0 / 1 taken

    Jumper with EP tracklist

    You will get a jumper with the tracklist on it. If you want you will also get an autograph card!

    The amount mentioned above would be seen in my shop (e.g.) like this, you are very welcome to leave a donation!

  • CHF 50.-1 / 10 taken

    Ticket to the record launch

    You will be one of the very few people who will get the chance to experience the Plan B record launch. This concert will be unique and very intimate and small.

  • CHF 50.-0 / 1 taken

    Trousers (surprise)

    You will receive a pair of trousers with a surprise on it.

    You are very welcome to add your individual donation to the amount mentioned above!

  • CHF 50.-2 / 20 taken

    «Plan B» Vinyl

    You will get a vinyl (record) of my EP «Plan B» on it!

    I have and will invest a lot of sweat, blood, heart, head, time and much more into this production, so thank you for your contribution to my EP!

    The above mentioned amount would be shown in my shop, if you want to support me and my project even more you are very welcome to do so!

  • CHF 55.-1 taken

    T-Shirt (Surprise)

    You will get a t-shirt with a surprise on it.

    You are also welcome to leave a donation for the above mentioned reward (approximate price)!

  • CHF 60.-0 / 1 taken

    Merch Bundle 3-piece

    You will get a merch bundle with 3 products of your choice (jumper, t-shirt, cloth bag, CD, poster, postcard set, EP download link). If you wish, you will also get an autograph card or the products will be signed by me.

  • CHF 65.-1 / 5 taken

    2 Tickets zur Plattentaufe

    Du bekommst zwei Tickets zur Plattentaufe zum Schnäpchen-Preis. Du wirst eine*r der einzigen die die Chance bekommen überhaupt an dieses Konzert kommen können, dazu wird es eines meiner ersten «richtigen» Konzerte! Es wird sehr intim, persönlich, einmalig und einfach sehr toll! Dort kannst du mit mir reden (und mir deine Meinung zu meiner EP ganz persönlich erzählen), und sicherlich machen wir auch ein Bier für dich parat!

    Natürlich kannst du auch noch deine individuelle Spende da lassen (würde mich unglaublich freuen)!

  • CHF 65.-1 / 5 taken

    Signed vinyl

    You get a signed vinyl (with my EP on it) plus a signed autograph card from your favourite musician.

    Further donations are also very welcome!

  • CHF 100.-0 / 1 taken

    Stube Concert

    I play a small concert for you and your friends in your «parlour», whenever you want. This concert will only take place for you and it will be unique!

  • CHF 200.-0 / 1 taken

    Song just for you

    I write a song just for you! I will write a song according to your wishes and then record it in my home studio (not studio quality).

  • CHF 250.-0 / 1 taken

    Song with you

    I create a song together with you and we record it at home in my home studio. A song completely according to your wishes together with your favourite musician!

  • CHF 250.-0 / 1 taken

    Concert at your event

    I play a concert at your event, be it a garden party, a company party, a festival or anything else, I play a little concert for you and your people.

  • CHF 250.-0 / 1 taken

    Merch Bundle 11 pieces

    You get a merch bundle with all merch items (tracklist jumper & t-shirt, surprise t-shirt, jumper & trousers, CD, vinyl, poster, cloth bag, set of postcards, autograph card). If you wish, you also get an autograph card or the products are signed by me.

  • CHF 350.-0 / 1 taken

    Concert + Song

    I play a concert at your event and write a song exclusively for you, your loved ones or your event. This song will only be played once for your event, so it's very unique!

  • CHF 500.-0 / 1 taken

    Surprise only for you

    Attention: Only for patrons! (but it will surely be worth it!)
    This reward is only available once, it is only for you! I’m organising a very nice surprise just for you (what kind of surprise only? I won’t tell you yet, but you can look forward to it!)