Scegli se desideri sostenere il progetto con o senza ricompensa.
Sostieni il progetto con una somma a tua scelta ed entra a far parte di una storia di successo.
Riceverai un certificato personalizzato per il destinatario del regalo
CHF 15.-0 prese
Invitation for drinks in the exhibition at kabinett visarte zürich. I will present the project and be available to answer your questions.
CHF 30.-6 prese
You will receive one hand-printed, signed lithography showing the iconic «Boxfish» (Ostracion cubicus). The enchanting boxfish charmed me with each encounter! It became my favourite fish within the big, wide ocean.
CHF 80.-10 prese
I will present you with two signed pages from the «Boxfish & Co.» book, printed before 2009. The prints exist in a limited edition, because most of the pages were burned in a fire in my studio.
CHF 150.-5 / 10 prese
Invitation to my printing studio in Zürich, with tea and strawberry cake, and one signed page from the «Boxfish & Co.» book, printed before 2009. The prints exist in a limited edition, as most of the pages were burned in a fire in my studio.
Questa ricompensa è esaurita.
CHF 300.-8 / 8 prese
Donation CHF 300: You will watch me print a page of the «Boxfish & Co.» book in my printing studio in Zürich. Afterwards, you are invited for wine & cheese. As a souvenir you will receive one hand-printed, signed lithography showing the iconic «Boxfish» (Ostracion cubicus).