Sélectionnez une contrepartie

Indiquez si vous souhaitez soutenir le projet avec ou sans contrepartie.

Soutenir sans contrepartie

Soutenez le projet avec un montant de votre choix et prenez part à son succès.

Faire cadeau de ma contribution

Vous recevez un certificat personnel pour le*la destinataire*rice du cadeau

  • EUR 5.-5 prises

    Signed Poster

    Get a signed poster from all the band members (physical or electronic, depending on your location)!

  • EUR 7.-3 prises

    Tote Bag

    Get a tote bag with the band logo!

  • EUR 10.-5 prises

    7 inch Vinyl

    You get «The Early Byrd Special» on 7 inch vinyl (oldschool, baby)!

  • EUR 10.-2 prises

    Digital EP

    You get to download our EP in high quality!

  • EUR 10.-1 prise

    Tote Bag + Poster

    You get a BYRD tote bag and an additional signed poster from all the band members!

  • EUR 15.-3 prises

    7 Inch Vinyl + Digital EP

    You get «The Early Byrd Special» on 7 inch vinyl and the EP as a digital download!

  • EUR 20.-8 prises

    Vinyl + Digital EP + Poster

    You get «The Early Byrd Special», a digital EP and a signed poster!

  • EUR 25.-11 prises


    You get a BYRD t-shirt!

  • EUR 25.-3 prises

    Vinyl + EP + Poster + Bag

    You get «The Early Byrd Special», a digital EP, a signed poster and a tote bag!

  • EUR 30.-3 prises

    T-Shirt + Poster

    You get a band t-shirt and a signed poster!

  • EUR 35.-1 prise

    T-Shirt + Poster + Tote Bag

    You get a band t-shirt, a signed poster and a tote bag!

  • EUR 40.-3 prises

    Vinyl + EP + Tshirt + Poster

    You get «The Early Byrd Special» on 7 inch vinyl, a digital EP, a t-shirt and a signed poster!

  • EUR 40.-2 prises

    Pre-listening party

    You get to chill with the band and listen to the new album before it is getting released! Drinks included (Corona measures apply)!

  • EUR 45.-7 prises


    You get «The Early Byrd Special» on 7 inch vinyl, a digital EP, a band t-shirt, a tote bag and a signed poster.

  • EUR 50.-6 prises

    Music Lesson

    You get a private lesson with a band member of your choice.

  • EUR 100.-2 prises

    Special Mention

    We mention your name in the «special thanks» section of the new album.

  • EUR 200.-3 prises

    Special Mention + More

    We mention your name in the «special thanks» section of the new album, you get «The Early Byrd Special» on 7 inch vinyl, a digital EP, a signed poster, a BYRD t-shirt and a tote bag.

  • EUR 500.-0 prise

    Unplugged Session

    We play an unplugged live-concert for you and your friends in a location of your choice! Corona measures apply.

  • EUR 1.000.-1 prise

    Full electric live-set

    We play a full electric concert for you in a location of your choice! Corona measures apply.

  • EUR 2.000.-0 prise

    Super Pack!

    We play a full concert for you in a location of your choice (corona measures apply), we mention your name in the «special thanks» section of the album, you get a 7 inch vinyl, a digital EP, a BYRD t-shirt, a tote bag, a signed poster AND a lifetime guestlist option for our future gigs.