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  • CHF 25.-14 taken

    2 Drinks + 1 Shortbread

    Two drinks (coffee, tea or softdrink) and 1 shortbread

  • CHF 50.-20 taken

    2 Drinks + a piece of cake

    One drink (coffee, tea or softdrink) and a piece of cake

  • CHF 100.-12 taken

    2x Drinks and cake

    two drinks (coffee, tea or softdrink) and 2 pieces of cake

  • CHF 200.-2 taken

    1 cake and 2 drinks

    1 cake of choice and 2 drinks (coffee, tea or softdrink)

  • CHF 500.-0 taken

    10x drink/cake

    10 drinks (coffee, tea or softdrink) and 10 pieces of cake

  • CHF 1’000.-1 taken

    Afternoon tea with cake

    Afternoon tea with a cake of choice for 4 people