Please indicate whether, in return for backing the project, you would like to get a reward or not.
Back the project with any amount of your own choosing and become a part of the success story.
You will receive a personal certificate for the recipient of your gift
CHF 20.-0 taken
A handwritten thank-you card from me, expressing my gratitude for your support.
CHF 20.-
CHF 50.-1 taken
Your name will be featured in the digital limited edition booklet and on my website. Includes a handwritten thank-you card.
CHF 50.-
CHF 140.-0 / 20 taken
Receive a signed copy of the CD, a handwritten thank-you card, and have your name in the digital booklet and on my website.
CHF 140.-
CHF 200.-0 / 10 taken
Your name will be honoured as a Patron of the Project in the digital limited edition booklet and on my website. Includes a handwritten thank-you card and a signed CD.
CHF 200.-
CHF 500.-0 / 10 taken
Your name will be printed in the official CD booklet as a Patron of the Project. Includes a private one-hour lesson (Basel: instrument provided by me; elsewhere: venue & instrument must be arranged by you), two release concert tickets (TBD), and a handwritten thank-you card.
CHF 500.-
CHF 1’000.-0 / 3 taken
Your name will be printed in the official CD booklet as a Patron of the Project. Includes a private harpsichord concert (Basel: venue & instrument provided by me; elsewhere: venue & instrument must be arranged by you), two release concert tickets (TBD), dinner with me after the concert, and a handwritten thank-you card.
CHF 1’000.-