Sélectionnez une contrepartie

Indiquez si vous souhaitez soutenir le projet avec ou sans contrepartie.

Soutenir sans contrepartieä

Soutenez le projet avec un montant de votre choix et prenez part à son succès.

Faire cadeau de ma contributionä

Vous recevez un certificat personnel pour le*la destinataire*rice du cadeau

  • CHF 22.-2 prises


    You like the idea of our book and you will support us. For your donation you will receive a postcard from our final project trip with our best wishes.

  • CHF 33.-2 prises


    You like our project. But you haven’t been able yet to decide to get yourself a copy of the book. No problem. You will get an invitation to our vernissage, and after having seen us and the book you can buy one there.

  • CHF 55.-12 prises


    You will receive the book by the messenger of the gods Hermes and you will be invited to the vernissage.

  • CHF 66.-7 prises


    You will receive the book signed by us and dedicated to you and sent to you by the messenger of the gods Hermes. And there will be an invitation to the vernissage.

  • CHF 99.-14 / 20 prises


    Or you will get the book signed, dedicated to you and in a limited edition in leather of course. The book will be sent to you by the messenger of the gods Hermes, and you will be invited to the vernissage.

  • CHF 222.-4 prises


    You will get us in «double-pack» we are coming to you. We shall read and tell you about our adventures in the cities. You are free to invite friends or family to this event. Then you will personally receive a signed copy. And of course there will be the invitation to the vernissage. (In Switzerland only)

  • CHF 1’555.-0 / 4 prise


    Congratulations! You are halfway in one of the cities. We will organise a weekend for you. Trip, sightseeing, local food and game are inclusive. And there will be a signed copy of the book with the limited leather cover. An unforgettable experience and adventure. Of course you will be invited to our vernissage. (This will take place only if 2 people will take it)