Wähle eine Belohnung aus

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Ohne Belohnung unterstützenä

Unterstütze das Projekt mit einem Geldbetrag deiner Wahl und werde Teil der Erfolgsgeschichte.

Unterstützung verschenkenä

Du erhältst ein persönliches Zertifikat für den*die Beschenkte*n

  • EUR 8.-11 vergeben

    wunderwuzzi roboterä

    build and design your own wunderwuzzi.
    every has one, two, three...

  • EUR 18.-14 vergeben

    let'start new cotton bagsä

    so cute, so nice.
    you can use this bag and
    keep our little fox always with you.

  • EUR 45.-9 / 45 vergeben

    golden times of music tourä

    Why is Vienna such a wonderful city of music?
    Why did Mozart and Beethoven move so many times?
    What about the Habsburgs and Music?
    Let me guide you through our beautiful musical Vienna!
    Offering you secret stories, I will sing some sequences from
    operas and songs of Mozart, Haydn, Schubert etc......

  • EUR 60.-9 / 10 vergeben

    artist vouchersä

    to organize your own event come and join us.
    each voucher is valid for independent 2 hours of event.

  • EUR 82.-12 / 60 vergeben

    ceramic set ä

    which color you are?
    a hand made ceramics set of 3 pieces:
    tea cup - bowl - plate
    our talented artists ellen and julianne prepared these beauties for you.

  • EUR 125.-2 / 5 vergeben

    macreme wall hangersä

    serendipity macrame shares these 5 beautiful wall hangers. you can have one of them to decorate your walls beautifully.

  • EUR 240.-1 / 10 vergeben

    summer celebrationä

    if you have a good reason to celebrate this summer, just go for it at our cosy and lovely studio. studio will be reserved for you 4 hours!

  • EUR 420.-0 / 2 vergeben

    make your own exhibitionä

    we love hosting exhibitions at commonroom. if you have your art works to show and publish them at our community, please come and be our guest.