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Back the project with any amount of your own choosing and become a part of the success story.

Give away a project backing as a giftä

You will receive a personal certificate for the recipient of your gift

  • CHF 25.-33 taken

    protection IP-25ä

    Le beau vinyl + de beaux stickers + amour ✨

  • CHF 50.-43 taken

    protection IP-50ä

    Le beau vinyl + un mega cool t-shirt + une entrée au concert + amour

  • CHF 100.-14 taken

    protection IP-100ä

    Le beau cd! + le sympa vinyl + mega cool pull + surprise rigolotte + amour

  • CHF 500.-0 taken

    Protection totaleä

    Le beau cd! + le sympa vinyl + cool pull + nice t-shirt + surprise rigolotte protectrice + plein d'amour ☄️

  • CHF 750.-0 taken

    Protection infinieä

    Deux beaus vinyls! + deux CDs sympa + nice pull + beau t-shirt + surprises rigolottes protectrice + vraiment plein d'amour 🌪

  • CHF 1’000.-0 taken


    2 beaus vinyls! + 2 CDs sympa + 2 nice pull + 2 beaux t-shirts + PLEINS 2 surprises rigolottes protectrice + 10000 vraiment plein d'amour + PLEINS 2 ENTREES POUR PLEINS DE CONCERTS 🌫