Scegliere una ricompensa

Scegli se desideri sostenere il progetto con o senza ricompensa.

Sostenere senza ricompensaä

Sostieni il progetto con una somma a tua scelta ed entra a far parte di una storia di successo.

Regalare il sostegno di un progettoä

Riceverai un certificato personalizzato per il destinatario del regalo

  • CHF 25.-1 presa


    As a Push-Up Supporter you will receive one entry to the Off-Site.

  • CHF 50.-7 prese


    As Pull-Up supporter you will receive one trial training and 3 entries at the Off-Site.

  • CHF 100.-8 prese


    As C2B supporter you will receive 7 free entries to the Off-Site and 1 group training class.

  • CHF 250.-3 prese


    As Ring-Dip supporter you will receive a 1 month membership to the Off-Site and 1 group training class.

  • CHF 500.-1 presa


    As TTB (Toes-to-Bar) supporter you will receive a 3-month membership to the Off-Site and 1 personal training.

  • CHF 1’000.-1 presa


    As Muscle-Up supporter you will receive a 6-month membership to the Off-Site, 1 group training class, and 1 personal training.