Choose your reward

Please indicate whether, in return for backing the project, you would like to get a reward or not.

Back without rewardä

Back the project with any amount of your own choosing and become a part of the success story.

Give away a project backing as a giftä

You will receive a personal certificate for the recipient of your gift

  • CHF 20.-0 / 10 taken


    For 20 CHF you get the album by email, in a numeric format.

  • CHF 25.-0 taken


    Exclusivity!!!! For 25 CHF you receive the David Tixier Trio’s mug!

  • CHF 30.-6 taken


    Exclusivity!!!! For CHF 30 you receive the album and one T-Shirt of the David Tixier Trio.

  • CHF 40.-0 taken


    Exclusivity!!!! For 40 CHF you receive the «David Tixier Trio» pen! A beautiful tool to not miss...

  • CHF 40.-2 taken


    For 40 CHF, you receive the physical album in your mail box.

  • CHF 50.-2 / 10 taken


    For 50 CHF, you get in «avant premiere» the physical album in your mail box, before the official coming out.

  • CHF 100.-1 taken


    For 100 CHF you receive 2 albums by post, one for you, one for a friend, with a dedication for you from each of the band members, as well as a little note to thank you.

  • CHF 200.-1 / 5 taken


    For 200 CHF, well done! You receive 1 invitation for two people for one of our next concerts (we play everywhere in Europe so we will be passing near your place soon for sure!) + 1 drink with us after the concert.

  • CHF 300.-0 / 10 taken


    With 300 CHF you invested more than 7% for the project! For this amount we are really glad to consider you as one of our best fans and give you one of our rehearsals session access by skype.

  • CHF 500.-0 / 5 taken


    For 500 CHF, you get one invitation for 2 people to one of our rehearsal sessions (in Bern or in Lausanne, or by skype if not possible), plus a drink together after the rehearsal.

  • CHF 1’000.-0 taken


    1000 CHF is a huge amount of money and we are really honoured that you invest that much in our dream. To thank you we will invite you to be a part of that dream by making a professional video exclusively for you (reserved to all the contributors who gave 1000CHF) showing our life rhythm, our work secrets, or compositions and arrangement methods as well as our joy being musicians and passionate by what we are achieving.

  • CHF 2’000.-0 / 2 taken


    This is unbelievable and there is no reward big enough to thank you for that! However, we offer you a private concert on the location of your choice (in a perimeter of 300km around Bern or Lausanne) for you and your friends.