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  • CHF 15.-13 taken


    Find in your mailbox a postcard designed by one of our artists, sent from Greenland

  • CHF 30.-13 taken

    Géographie de la Glace

    (french book) Charmant petit livre polaire de Marylaure Décurnex (dessins) et Benjamin Ruffieux (textes) - 18x18 cm, 36 pages

  • CHF 40.-10 taken

    Ice Blink n°2

    Ice Blink is a polar magazine, (or is it a book?) produced by MaréMotrice and edited by Ripopée. The Arctic through the eyes and heart of the people we work with. A very nice object. -20x27 cm, 100 pages. French or English edition.

  • CHF 60.-24 taken

    Cool T-Shirt

    How about a T-Shirt specially designed by our artist Anaëlle Clot? Girl or boy version.

  • CHF 60.-10 / 10 taken

    Ice-Blink 1 + 2

    We ran out of Ice Blink n°1 a long time ago, but found a few more in our editors workshop. Here you get both of our famous publications, but the n°1 is in french. -20x27cm, 54 + 100 pages

  • CHF 80.-8 taken

    I'm a fan!

    How about the famous Ice-Blink n°2 + a cool T-shirt designed by d'Anaëlle Clot?

  • CHF 100.-18 taken

    A polar book collection

    IN FRENCH! Une petite section polaire pour ta bibliothèque: Carnets de Mer n°2, de Mélina Repond et Benjamin Ruffieux + Ice-Blink n°2 + Géographie de la Glace, de Marylaure Décurnex et Benjamin Ruffieux
    Ca te fait 3 jolis bouquins.

  • CHF 240.-5 taken

    Hornsund by Night

    2am, skiing, alone, somewhere in Hornsund, Svalbard. Action photographer Fredrik Marmsater sure caught that one! Non limited edition. Ready to hang on your wall. - Fine art print, 30x40 cm, mounted on aluminium.

  • CHF 240.-5 taken

    Bear Planet

    A polar bear from Svalbard seen through binoculars becomes a planet for himself. Ready to hang on your wall. Photo by Mélanie Rouiller. Non limited edition
    - Fine art print, 30x40 cm, mounted on aluminium.

  • CHF 250.-1 / 1 taken

    Icebergs in Knut's wake

    Original drawing signed Marie-Morgane Adatte
    Visible for now at the Musée d'Histoire Naturelle de Neuchâtel (Switzerland). Framed and all, waiting for you.
    - A4, encadré

  • CHF 340.-1 / 1 taken

    Sleeping bear

    Etching from Mélina Repond, edition of 7, last one not sold!
    - 19x45 cm, Mounted on aluminium.

  • CHF 370.-2 / 4 taken

    Barnacle Geese Hopper style

    In Russian coal mining settlement of Barentsburg, Svalbard, barnacle geese sit in a forgotten isba.
    Etching and photography, mixte technique, by Mélina Repond et Benjamin Ruffieux. Edition of 7.
    - 29x71 cm, mounted on aluminium

  • CHF 850.-8 taken

    Analog Print

    Big analog print, editions of 5, from the exhibition «Navigations sur l'Axe du Monde» currently at the Théâtre du Passage of Neuchâtel. You get to choose which photo out of the serie!
    -45x117 cm ou 66x95cm, mounted on Dibond

  • CHF 2’600.-1 / 3 taken

    En last minute au Groenland!

    Viens sur un coup de tête naviguer au Groenland cet été!
    Nous disposons de quelques places pour une navigation en cabotage, de Nuuk à Kulusuk, en passant par le Cap Farwell. Du 9 au 23 juillet 2019.

  • CHF 3’500.-2 / 2 taken

    Ocean crossing

    Not for the fainthearted: Hop on board and sail with us for 1'500 nautical miles, from East Greenland to Brittany, France.
    - From sept 13th to october 5th 2019

  • CHF 4’000.-0 / 2 taken

    Chill out!

    Invite your friends/family on board the electric Knut for a week, for a smoothe cruise around Canary Islands, all included! The Knut has 4 bunks for you fellows, kids welcome. -january and/or february 2020.