Wähle eine Belohnung aus

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Ohne Belohnung unterstützen

Unterstütze das Projekt mit einem Geldbetrag deiner Wahl und werde Teil der Erfolgsgeschichte.

Unterstützung verschenken

Du erhältst ein persönliches Zertifikat für den*die Beschenkte*n

  • CHF 25.-3 vergeben

    Thank you email+photos

    With a donation of this amount, you will provide a young person with quality equipment.
    In return, you will receive a message of thanks from Elikya and exclusive photos of the young people of the Beni orphanage.

  • CHF 30.-1 vergeben

    Name on our website

    With a donation of this amount, we will put your name, or the name of your company, on the partner page of our website: https://elikya-project.org/partenaires/

  • CHF 50.-4 vergeben

    Backstage video of the shooting

    With a donation of this amount, you allow a young orphan to receive two months of salary before the activity becomes profitable.
    In return, you will receive a behind-the-scenes video of the shooting: bloopers...

  • CHF 100.-1 vergeben

    Elikya badges

    With a donation of this amount, you will receive Elikya badges made by a local company

  • CHF 150.-1 / 2 vergeben

    Elikya painting

    With a donation of this amount, you will receive an Elikya painting. It is a painting representing the hands of volunteer donors to visualize their commitment: Give a hand to their future.

  • CHF 200.-0 vergeben

    Elikya T-shirt

    With a donation of this amount, you will receive a t-shirt with the Elikya logo on the front and the slogan (give a hand to their future) on the back.