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  • CHF 20.-24 vergeben

    Mehr anzeigen

    1) My infinite gratitude and a pdf copy of the article

  • CHF 50.-13 vergeben

    Mehr anzeigen

    1) A pdf copy of the article with a personal dedication
    2) My infinite gratitude!

  • CHF 100.-12 vergeben

    Mehr anzeigen

    1) A lecture on the history of Benveniste in Switzerland and a visit to the archives in Geneva, plus a free aperitif
    2) A pdf copy of the article with a personal dedication
    3) My infinite gratitude!

  • CHF 200.-5 vergeben

    Mehr anzeigen

    1) Invitation to an Italian apertif
    2)A lecture on the history of Benveniste in Switzerland and a visit to the archives in Geneva, plus a free aperitif (which makes 2 aperitifs!)
    3) A pdf copy of the article with a personal dedication
    4)My infinite gratitude!

  • CHF 500.-0 / 20 vergeben

    Mehr anzeigen

    1) A home-cooked Italian meal prepared by the author (yours truly)
    2)Invitation to tour the city of Geneva in the footsteps of linguists
    3)Invitation to an Italian apertif
    4) A lecture on the history of Benveniste in Switzerland and a visit to the archives in Geneva, plus a free aperitif (which makes 2 aperitifs!)
    5) A pdf copy of the article with a personal dedication
    6) My infinite gratitude!

  • CHF 5’000.-0 vergeben

    Mehr anzeigen

    1) Acknowledgement on the first page of the article
    2) A home-cooked Italian meal prepared by the author (yours truly)
    3) Invitation to tour the city of Geneva in the footsteps of linguists
    4) Signed copies of Alessandro’s other publications
    5) Invitation to an Italian apertif
    6) A lecture on the history of Benveniste in Switzerland and a visit to the archives in Geneva, plus a free aperitif (which makes 2 aperitifs!)
    7) Introduction to the language sciences
    8) Introduction to archival work on manuscript sources for the language sciences in Geneva
    9) A lecture on the history of Benveniste in Switzerland and a visit to the archives in Geneva
    10) A pdf copy of the article with a personal dedication
    11) My infinite gratitude!