Sélectionnez une contrepartie

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Soutenez le projet avec un montant de votre choix et prenez part à son succès.

Faire cadeau de ma contribution

Vous recevez un certificat personnel pour le*la destinataire*rice du cadeau

  • CHF 20.-4 prises

    Finance 10 Books

    With 20 Swiss franc you will finance 10 children's books in Nepali language for the library. After the project is completed, you will receive a special «THANK YOU» card from the students in Nepal. We will also send you pictures of the new library, solar and computer project in the school in Nepal.

  • CHF 50.-6 prises

    Finance 20 Books

    With 50 Swiss Franc you will finance 20 children's books in Nepali language for the library. After the project is completed, you will receive a special «THANK YOU» card from the students in Nepal. We will also send you pictures of the new library, solar and computer project in the school in Nepal.

  • CHF 100.-6 prises

    Finance 40 Books

    With 100 Swiss Franc you will finance 40 children's books in Nepali language for the library. After the project is completed, you will receive a special «THANK YOU» card from the students in Nepal. We will also send you pictures of the new library, solar panel installation and computer project in the school.

  • CHF 150.-1 prise

    Finance 65 Books

    With 150 Swiss Franc you will finance 65 books in English language and resource books for the teachers.

    After the project is completed, you will receive a special «THANK YOU» card from the students in Nepal. We will also send you pictures of the new library, solar panel installation and computer project in the school.

  • CHF 200.-1 prise

    Finance Education Kits

    With 200 Swiss Franc you will finance exercise books, school bags, stationery materials, play and learning materials, colouring books for children. We will also support pre-packed kits for adolescents books related to math and science education. Education kits will be distributed to 200 students of Shree Prakash school, Dolpa district Nepal.

    You will further support two local artists who will paint a mural in the walls of the library and transform the library and computer room into a creative, fun, learning space for children.

    After the project is completed, you will receive a special «THANK YOU» card from the students in Nepal. We will also send you pictures of the new library, solar panel installation and computer project in the school.

  • CHF 300.-5 prises

    Finance One Laptop

    With 300 Swiss Franc you will finance one laptop for the school.After the project is completed, you will receive a special «THANK YOU» card from the students in Nepal.We will also send you pictures of the new library, solar panel installation and computer project in the school.

  • CHF 360.-1 prise

    Finance Solar Panels

    With 360 Swiss Franc, you will finance one solar panel in the school. After the project is completed, you will receive a special «THANK YOU» card from the students in Nepal.We will also send you pictures of the new library, solar panel installation and computer project in the school.

  • CHF 400.-0 prise

    Finance Furniture

    With 400 Swiss Franc, you will finance durable, child-friendly, comfortable furniture for library and computer room. Furniture is essential for children’s ability to learn.

    In addition, this project seeks to reduce the carbon footprint caused by importing furniture from overseas, by creating school furniture designs suitable for local production and with the use of locally available materials. The furnitures will be made by local carpenters in Nepal.

    After the project is completed, you will receive a special «THANK YOU» card from the students in Nepal.We will also send you pictures of the new library, solar panel installation and computer project in the school.

  • CHF 500.-5 prises

    Be our Guests

    To show our appreciation for your support, it would be our pleasure to host you and a friend for an evening at our home to indulge you with homemade Nepali traditional dinner and we will also share about the education projects in Nepal and India. After the project is completed, you will receive a special «THANK YOU» card from the students in Nepal.We will also send you pictures of the new library, solar panel installation and computer project in the school.