Wähle aus, ob du das Projekt mit oder ohne Belohnung unterstützen möchtest.
Unterstütze das Projekt mit einem Geldbetrag deiner Wahl und werde Teil der Erfolgsgeschichte.
Du erhältst ein persönliches Zertifikat für den*die Beschenkte*n
CHF 5.-2 vergeben
You will receive a pretty autographed postcard, with the image of my EP.
CHF 15.-7 vergeben
You will have a free electronic access to the entire EP + receive a pretty autographed postcard, with the image of my EP.
CHF 30.-20 vergeben
You will receive an autographed USB key, personalized with the EP cover image, and containing all the entire tracks of my EP.
CHF 60.-13 vergeben
You will be on the guest list of my showcase where a welcome drink will be waiting for you! + you will receive an autographed USB key, personalized with the EP cover image, and containing all the entire tracks of my EP.
CHF 120.-5 / 8 vergeben
Treat yourself to one fun hour of creativity as a singer/songwriter/pianist with me + you will be on the guest list of my showcase where a welcome drink will be waiting for you! + you will receive an autographed USB key, personalized with the EP cover image, and containing all the entire tracks of my EP.
Diese Belohnung ist ausverkauft.
CHF 200.-2 / 2 vergeben
Treat yourself to three fun hours of creativity as a singer/songwriter/pianist with me + you will be on the guest list of my showcase where a welcome drink will be waiting for you! + you will receive an autographed USB key, personalized with the EP cover image, and containing all the entire tracks of my EP.
CHF 500.-1 / 2 vergeben
I will go anywhere in Geneva, accompanied by one musician, to perform a 1h concert just for you and your friends!
CHF 1’000.-1 / 2 vergeben
I will go anywhere in Geneva, accompanied by two musicians, to perform a 1h concert just for you and your friends!