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Ohne Belohnung unterstützenä

Unterstütze das Projekt mit einem Geldbetrag deiner Wahl und werde Teil der Erfolgsgeschichte.

Unterstützung verschenkenä

Du erhältst ein persönliches Zertifikat für den*die Beschenkte*n

  • CHF 10.-1 vergeben

    Mehr anzeigenä

    A special FloweverBox thank you card.
    Your name on our contributor’s wall.

  • CHF 20.-2 vergeben

    Mehr anzeigenä

    A special FloweverBox thank you card.
    1 exclusive artwork (limited and numbered edition).
    Your name on our contributor’s wall.

  • CHF 50.-6 vergeben

    Mehr anzeigenä

    A special FloweverBox thank you card.
    1 exclusive artwork (limited and numbered edition).
    A 20% off voucher on your next FloweverBox.
    Your name on our contributor’s wall.

  • CHF 100.-1 vergeben

    Mehr anzeigenä

    A special FloweverBox thank you card.
    1 exclusive artwork (limited and numbered edition).
    A 30% off voucher on your next FloweverBox.
    Free membership to the future FloweverBox Garden Club.
    Your name on our contributor’s wall.

  • CHF 200.-0 vergeben

    Mehr anzeigenä

    A special FloweverBox thank you card.
    1 exclusive artwork (limited and numbered edition).
    Two 50% off vouchers on your next FloweverBoxes.
    Free membership to the future FloweverBox Garden Club.
    Your name on our contributor’s wall.

  • CHF 500.-0 / 6 vergeben

    Mehr anzeigenä

    A special FloweverBox thank you card.
    2 exclusive artworks (limited and numbered edition).
    2 free FloweverBoxes.
    Free membership to the future FloweverBox Garden Club.
    Your name on our contributor’s wall.

  • CHF 1’000.-0 / 3 vergeben

    Mehr anzeigenä

    A special FloweverBox thank you card.
    3 exclusive artworks (limited and numbered edition).
    3 free FloweverBoxes.
    INVITATION to a FloweverBox Creative Workshop with designers.
    Free membership to the future FloweverBox Garden Club.
    Your name on our contributor’s wall.

  • CHF 2’500.-0 vergeben

    Mehr anzeigenä

    A special FloweverBox thank you card.
    3 exclusive artworks (limited and numbered edition).
    1 free FloweverBox per month for 1 year.
    A private FloweverBox Collection crafted in collaboration with a several time international magazine featured designer (including 3 free samples).
    Lifetime VIP membership to the future FloweverBox Garden Club.
    A MEET & GREET dinner with the FloweverBox founder and designer.
    A special feature on our contributor’s wall.