Scegliere una ricompensa

Scegli se desideri sostenere il progetto con o senza ricompensa.

Sostenere senza ricompensaä

Sostieni il progetto con una somma a tua scelta ed entra a far parte di una storia di successo.

Regalare il sostegno di un progettoä

Riceverai un certificato personalizzato per il destinatario del regalo

  • CHF 15.-0 prese


    Tim & Puma Mimi send you a postcard from their next tour.

  • CHF 35.-53 prese


    You get the DIY-Kit to solder by yourself.

  • CHF 50.-21 prese


    You get the DIY-Kit to solder by yourself and the last CD by Tim & Puma Mimi.

  • CHF 70.-3 prese


    You get the Fruitilyzer already soldered by us, ready to use (but without box).

  • CHF 100.-3 prese


    You get the Fruitilyzer already soldered by us and the latest two CDs by Tim & Puma Mimi.

  • CHF 140.-5 / 10 prese


    You get the Fruitilyzer already soldered and built in a wooden box.

  • CHF 160.-2 / 5 prese


    You get the Fruitilyzer already soldered and built in a vintage sterling cutlery box. (Tim-style).

  • CHF 350.-1 / 3 presa


    Tim and Mimi visit you with a soldering iron, a cucumber and a little amplifier, we show you how to solder it and teach you a lesson in electric-cucumbering. (Within Kanton Zurich, for longer distance we need additional money for travelling expenses.)

  • CHF 1’500.-0 / 2 prese


    Tim & Puma Mimi give a Fruitilyzer-workshop and a concert. (Within Kanton Zurich, for longer distance we need additional money for travelling expenses.)