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Unterstützung verschenkenä

Du erhältst ein persönliches Zertifikat für den*die Beschenkte*n

  • CHF 25.-70 vergeben

    Mini Genevoisä

    An autographed guide delivered directly to your home (shipping included - CH) + goodies

  • CHF 50.-20 vergeben

    Petit Genevoisä

    An autographed guide delivered directly to your home (shipping included - CH) + your name on the thank you page

  • CHF 75.-11 vergeben

    Grand Genevoisä

    An autographed guide delivered directly to your home (shipping included - CH) + your name on the thank you page + a Les petits Genevois tote-bag

  • CHF 100.-5 vergeben

    Super Genevois - BUSINESSä

    A guide delivered directly to your home or your business (shipping included - CH) + the name of your business on the tank you page

  • CHF 150.-7 / 20 vergeben

    Maxi Genevoisä

    An autographed guide delivered directly to your home (shipping included - CH) + your name on the thank you page + a Geneva photo of your choice (from the cityguide) on a aluminium support 20x30

  • CHF 300.-1 / 8 vergeben

    Mega Genevois - BUSINESSä

    Two guides delivered directly to your home or your business (shipping included - CH) + the logo of your business on the tank you page

  • CHF 300.-1 / 10 vergeben

    Giga Genevoisä

    Two autographed guides delivered directly to your home (shipping included - CH) + your name on the thank you page + the organization of a Les petits Genevois special day where you’ll discover Geneva and its treasures