Indiquez si vous souhaitez soutenir le projet avec ou sans contrepartie.
Soutenez le projet avec un montant de votre choix et prenez part à son succès.
Vous recevez un certificat personnel pour le*la destinataire*rice du cadeau
CHF 15.-9 prises
With a contribution of 15 francs you receive a ticket for a movie (including talk) of your choice in Zurich or Basel.
CHF 30.-9 prises
With a contribution of 30 francs, you will receive two tickets (for you and your companion) for a movie (including talk) of your choice in Zurich or Basel.
CHF 50.-10 prises
With a contribution of 50 francs you will receive a festival pass for one day and can attend the 3 film screenings and talks, and the award ceremony. You can choose on which day (Saturday, November 9 or Sunday, November 10, 2024) you will visit the festival in Zurich or Basel.
CHF 100.-3 prises
With a contribution of CHF 100, you can attend both festival days (Saturday, November 9 or Sunday, November 10, 2024) in Zurich or Basel. You can take part in all 6 film screenings and talks as well as the award ceremonies.
CHF 150.-3 prises
With a contribution of CHF 150, you and your companion can attend both festival days (Saturday, November 9 or Sunday, November 10, 2024) in Zurich or Basel. You can take part in all 6 film screenings and talks as well as the award ceremonies.
CHF 200.-7 prises
For 200 francs you get a festival pass for both days (November 9 and 10, 2024) of the festival including the opening ceremony on November 8. You can choose whether to attend the festival in Zurich or Basel.You are also invited to attend the aperitif with filmmakers and academics.