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  • CHF 10.-7 vergeben

    Fizzy lucky charm

    The most beautiful stones from the banks of the Rhône bearing the Fizzy Rune will bring you luck and benevolence.

  • CHF 16.-10 vergeben

    Early digital Download

    Be the first to discover Goddesses Among Us before the official release.

  • CHF 23.-3 vergeben

    Digital Card A6

    Special edition of card drawn in A6 format by Ariad Art, talented musician and designer, with album download code. With the autograph, of course.

  • CHF 23.-5 vergeben

    Print digital download A4

    The cover art by the wonderful artist Alberto Sting printed in A4 size with the album download code. And signed of course !!

  • CHF 32.-24 vergeben

    Vinyl signed by Fizzy

    Add color to your home with this beautiful vinyl illustrated by the amazing artist Alberto Sting. In addition it is signed by Fizzy Beard so do not hesitate:)

  • CHF 53.-55 vergeben

    Fizzy Beer, we drink it !

    Pack of 6 beers, unique recipe developed by the Music'Ale brewery in Niouc in Valais. This pack will be delivered to you with the digital print of the album signed by Fizzy Beard

  • CHF 55.-0 / 23 vergeben

    Fizzy Sport

    One hour of sport with Fizzy Beard.
    During this session I will share with you my secrets to stay well physically and mentally in this crazy world.
    If you survive this session, you will leave with the digital print of the album signed by myself.

  • CHF 80.-2 / 23 vergeben

    trois heures de Fizzy apéro

    Avec cette contribution, je débarque accompagné de bouteilles chez toi pour un apéro de 3 heures. De quoi refaire le monde en parlant de Musique, cinéma, philosophie, psychologie, tatouage etc.
    Je décline toute responsabilité de ce qui peut arriver après : )

  • CHF 87.-3 / 5 vergeben

    music introduction

    Private guitar or piano lesson for beginners, or not, by Fizzy Beard.
    limitation 5

  • CHF 230.-0 / 5 vergeben

    Fizzy Guitar Solo !!!

    Whether you are in a rock or metal band, a hip-hop collective, an experimental jazz crew or that you are alone in your Reggae / slam project, with this counterpart, I record an anthology solo for your studio session :)
    If you want a Fizzy touch for your track, this is the way.

  • CHF 230.-5 / 10 vergeben

    Raclette - Private Concert

    Live guitar / piano session in your living room, kitchen, lawn or chalet, all topped off with a raclette served by the artist himself.

  • CHF 320.-1 / 3 vergeben

    Signed guitar / vinyl pack

    with this pack, you will acquire an acoustic guitar signed by the artist with the vinyl of Goddesses among us also signed. In addition it is tuned.

  • CHF 870.-0 / 5 vergeben

    Fizzy Day

    23 hours with Fizzy Beard. On the program: walk in nature, discovery musical playlist according to your musical tastes, private concert, raclette, tasting and night in a chalet with breathtaking views. Valid for two people.

  • CHF 1’023.-0 / 3 vergeben

    I compose for you

    Do you sing, or do you know someone who sings and who would like to have a quality production for their creation? With this contribution, you leave with a title mixed professionally and free of rights.