Sélectionnez une contrepartie

Indiquez si vous souhaitez soutenir le projet avec ou sans contrepartie.

Soutenir sans contrepartie

Soutenez le projet avec un montant de votre choix et prenez part à son succès.

Faire cadeau de ma contribution

Vous recevez un certificat personnel pour le*la destinataire*rice du cadeau

  • CHF 10.-2 prises


    Invitation to the opening and you get the chance to shoot a photo of yourself with Eugene our mascot.

  • CHF 15.-10 prises


    Invitation to the opening and a free drink at your choice, 1 button

  • CHF 30.-24 prises


    Invitation to the opening, a free drink at your choice, a pizza and 1 button

  • CHF 50.-66 / 150 prises


    Invitation to the opening, a free drink at your choice, and your name engraved in a ramp/obstacle, 1 button

  • CHF 75.-2 / 2 prises


    Surprise, surprise! A hamper full of surprises of the brand Doodah

  • CHF 80.-17 / 30 prises


    Invitation to the opening, a free drink at your choice, a Trendsport t-shirt (limited edition), 1 button

  • CHF 90.-3 / 20 prises


    Invitation to the opening, a free drink at your choice, a pizza at your choice, a Trendsport-umbrella (limited edition), 1 button

  • CHF 100.-20 prises


    Invitation to the opening, a free drink at your choice, a free lesson of choice (BMX, Skateboarding, or Scooter) including rentals, 1 button

  • CHF 150.-5 / 5 prises


    Invitation to the opening, a free drink at your choice and a «spring- membership» for the new hall

  • CHF 150.-3 / 10 prises


    Surprise, surprise! A Trendsport-hamper full of surprises

  • CHF 180.-1 / 1 prise


    Invitation to the opening, a free drink at your choice and a Doodah-hoody & Doodah-pant

  • CHF 200.-4 / 10 prises


    Invitation to the opening, a free drink at your choice and a private lesson of choice including rentals

  • CHF 300.-3 / 5 prises


    Invitation to the opening, a free drink at your choice and an one-hour private skate lesson with Oli Bürgin

  • CHF 325.-1 / 25 prise


    Invitation to the opening, a free drink at your choice and an engraved picture of Pumpwerk in ramp-wood

  • CHF 375.-4 prises


    Invitation to the opening, a free drink and a pizza at your choice and a one-year membership and a free lesson at your choice including rentals (BMX, Skateboarding, or Scooter)

  • CHF 400.-2 / 5 prises


    Invitation to the opening, a free drink at your choice and a pizza dinner at the new park for you and 4 friends (including the entrance-fee)

  • CHF 600.-1 / 3 prise


    Invitation to the opening, a free drink at your choice and a «Sunday Brunch» for 6 persons at the new centre

  • CHF 600.-0 / 5 prise


    Invitation to the opening, a free drink at your choice, a «Social Tour of Basel» (by Verein Surprise) for 5 persons and 5 Trendsport-umbrellas (limited edition)

  • CHF 650.-2 / 3 prises


    Invitation to the opening, a free drink at your choice and «Trendsport Movie Night» for 15 persons at the new centre (including a free drink and popcorn per person)

  • CHF 800.-0 / 8 prise


    Invitation to the opening, a free drink at your choice and a family-/group-lesson of choice (BMX, Skateboarding, or Scooter) including rentals and catering

  • CHF 800.-1 / 6 prise


    Invitation to the opening, a free drink at your choice and an obstacle-construction-course (we build an obstacle with you which you can then take home!)

  • CHF 1’000.-1 / 1 prise


    Einladung zur Eröffnung und ein Getränk nach Wahl,
    Dein Bild im Jahresbericht des Vereins Trendsport stellvertretend für alle Wemakeit Gönner

  • CHF 1’250.-0 / 1 prise


    Invitation to the opening with a free drink at your choice.
    You will be the one officially opening the temporary hall and the first rolling around

  • CHF 1’300.-0 / 1 prise


    Invitation to the opening with a free drink at your choice. Enjoy a weekend afternoon with Ruben Alcatara in Basel, completing the day with a BBQ!

  • CHF 1’300.-0 / 1 prise


    Invitation to the opening and a free drink at your choice. Enjoy a weekend afternoon with Albert Nyberg in Basel, completing the day with a BBQ!

  • CHF 1’500.-1 / 5 prise


    Invitation to the opening, a free drink at your own choice, an invitation to a photo shooting at the temporary hall. The best picture will be framed and handed over to you.

  • CHF 1’750.-1 / 10 prise


    Invitation to the opening with a free drink at your own choice, we will invite your school class or your club to a Trendsport-lesson (BS/BL, 1 lesson with 2 teachers), buttons for all the participants