Scegliere una ricompensa

Scegli se desideri sostenere il progetto con o senza ricompensa.

Sostenere senza ricompensa

Sostieni il progetto con una somma a tua scelta ed entra a far parte di una storia di successo.

Regalare il sostegno di un progetto

Riceverai un certificato personalizzato per il destinatario del regalo

  • CHF 12.-2 prese


    Each bandmember will sign any part of your body! Plus a download code of the new album!

  • CHF 30.-39 prese


    Get a CD or a Vinyl and a hug from each bandmember!

  • CHF 50.-19 prese


    A CD signed by every member of the band before the official release plus a hug!

  • CHF 75.-15 prese


    Be on the guestlist at the release party, and get a signed CD before the release aswell.

  • CHF 100.-5 prese


    Not only will you get the signed CD before the release, no, you will also get a unique polaroid foto of us signed by us!

  • CHF 100.-1 presa


    Not only will you get the signed CD before the release, no, you will also get the handwritten Lyrics to the song of your choice on the new album!

  • CHF 125.-4 prese


    Be our guest at a private concert in our rehearsal room, FREE BEER and get a signed CD before the official release! And one of us will dance for you!

  • CHF 150.-7 prese


    You will be thanked explicitly on our Album and you will receive the signed album before the official release!

  • CHF 150.-1 / 10 presa


    You will receive a piece of Artwork from «Brainwashing Television» and the signed CD before the official release!

  • CHF 200.-0 / 5 prese


    Be «Roadie of the day» and come to a concert with us and see how it’s behind the scenes. You will also have the chance to carry our equipment! Plus the signed CD before the official release!

  • CHF 250.-4 prese


    You will receive a one-of-a-kind handpainted Vinyl by us and you will be thanked explicitly on the album and you are invited to our release concert and have a drink with us after the show!

  • CHF 400.-1 / 12 presa


    You will receive a one-of-a-kind handpainted Vinyl by us and you will be thanked explicitly on the album and you are invited to our release concert. PLUS you will be invited as a VIP to our concert at our rehearsal room with a special place to sit during the concert.

  • CHF 750.-1 / 5 presa


    We will come and play an acoustic show at your home (Switzerland) and we will even do a cover of your favorite song! After we signed the CD and Vinyl you will receive, we will draw something very nice on your walls (or on the vinyl). Your choice!

  • CHF 1’000.-0 / 5 prese


    Get the complete Package! An acoustic show (Switzerland) with your favourite song which we will cover for you, be explicitly named on our album and get the one-of-a-kind handpainted Vinyl by us.

  • CHF 1’500.-0 / 5 prese


    You want it loud? We will play in your home (Switzerland) amplified and make sure your neighbours will hate you for the rest of your life! Plus you’ll be explicitly named on our album and get the one-of-a-kind handpainted Vinyl by us.

  • CHF 3’000.-0 prese


    You want it loud? We will play in your home (Switzerland) amplified and make sure your neighbours will hate you for the rest of your life! Plus you’ll be explicitly named on our album and get the one-of-a-kind handpainted Vinyl by us PLUS we will cover a song for you, record it, mix and master it for your personal entertainment!

  • CHF 5’000.-0 / 3 prese


    You will get a Bootleg of one of our gigs, you can name the album yourself and you will receive a handcreated CD which is unique! Plus you will be explicitly thanked on our album.