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  • EUR 10.-0 vergeben

    Thank-you postcard

    You will be sent a postcard featuring one of Middleton's Hölderlin translations.

  • EUR 25.-29 vergeben


    You will be sent a copy of 'Friedrich Hölderlin: Selected Poems and Letters’. (Shipping included.)

  • EUR 50.-5 vergeben

    Book + acknowledgement

    You will have your name printed in the acknowledgements and be sent a copy of the book. (Shipping included.)

  • EUR 65.-1 vergeben

    Hölderlin + 1 x Handke

    You will have your name printed in the acknowledgements and receive a copy of the book. You will also get a copy of Peter Handke’s 'To Duration’, published by The Last Books. (Shipping included.)

  • EUR 85.-0 vergeben

    Hölderlin + 2 x Handke

    You will have your name printed in the acknowledgements and receive a copy of the book. You will also get copies of Peter Handke’s ’Repetition’ and ’To Duration’, both published by The Last Books. (Shipping included.)

  • EUR 150.-1 / 10 vergeben

    Limited edition print

    You will have your name printed in the acknowledgements and receive a copy of the book. You will also get a limited-edition A4 letterpress print of Hölderlin’s poem ’Like slow flying birds…’, as well as copies of Peter Handke’s ’Repetition’ and 'To Duration’, both published by The Last Books. (Shipping included.)

  • EUR 350.-2 / 5 vergeben

    Lifetime subscription

    You will have your name printed in the acknowledgements and receive a copy of the book. You will also get a limited edition A4 letterpress print of Hölderlin’s poem ’Like slow flying birds…’, copies of Peter Handke’s ’Repetition’ and 'To Duration’, and a lifetime subscription to all future Last Books publications. (Shipping included)