Scegli se desideri sostenere il progetto con o senza ricompensa.
Sostieni il progetto con una somma a tua scelta ed entra a far parte di una storia di successo.
Riceverai un certificato personalizzato per il destinatario del regalo
CHF 25.-0 prese
You receive an intense hug from Sebastian after the show! (max. 10 sec)
CHF 25.-
CHF 50.-3 prese
You will receive two glasses of Prosecco during your visit to Honeymoon!
CHF 50.-
CHF 75.-0 prese
You get exclusive access to a Honeymoon rehearsal and can follow the creative process up close!
CHF 75.-
CHF 100.-0 / 60 prese
You are guaranteed a seat in one of the first two rows for the performance of Honeymoon!
CHF 100.-
CHF 120.-0 / 60 prese
You get a ticket and a guaranteed seat in one of the first two rows for the performance of Honeymoon!
CHF 120.-
CHF 150.-0 prese
You will receive a voucher for a cozy Sunday brunch at Walzhalle Münchenstein!
CHF 150.-
CHF 250.-0 prese
For your generous support, you will receive a voucher for a culinary evening with Moules Frites at Walzhalle Muenchenstein!
CHF 250.-
CHF 500.-0 prese
You will be listed as one of our publicly acknowledged supporters, receive a front-row premiere ticket, and enjoy two glasses of Prosecco!
CHF 500.-