Scegliere una ricompensa

Scegli se desideri sostenere il progetto con o senza ricompensa.

Sostenere senza ricompensaä

Sostieni il progetto con una somma a tua scelta ed entra a far parte di una storia di successo.

Regalare il sostegno di un progettoä

Riceverai un certificato personalizzato per il destinatario del regalo

  • EUR 10.-12 prese

    Instagram Shoutout Storyä

    For the support of 10 EUROS you will get a personalised Instagram shoutout including your @ username in a story. ;)

  • EUR 15.-7 prese

    Einhorn Tampons + Postcardä

    For 15 EUROS you will get 3x sustainable «Einhorn» tampons + a printed postcard. (International shipping fees not included).

  • EUR 15.-7 / 10 prese

    Digital BTS-Videoä

    Get an insight behind the scenes and the BTS-video of our film.

  • EUR 15.-6 / 10 prese

    Digital Scriptä

    Get the digital version of our script and we’ll share our deepest secrets with you about this project. We’ll offer you some exclusive insights into our directors mind.

  • EUR 20.-8 prese

    Instagram Shoutout Postä

    For the support of 20 EUROS you will receive a personalised Instagram shoutout including your @ username in a post. ;)

  • EUR 25.-5 prese

    Printed Poemä

    We'll thank you with a printed version of the poem used in the film.
    (International shipping costs not included)

  • EUR 35.-1 presa

    Einhorn Tampons + Poemä

    For 35 EUROS you will get 3x sustainable «Einhorn» tampons + a printed version of our poem (International shipping fees not included).

  • EUR 40.-6 / 10 prese

    Combo of digital Treasuresä

    You'll get the holy trinity mix of a digital version of the script, digital behind the scenes video and a digital version of the poem used in the film with handmade illustrations.

  • EUR 50.-6 prese

    Film poster ä

    Are you interested in our official film poster? We'll thank you with a printed poster and there will be a special dedication. (International shipping costs not included)

  • EUR 80.-2 / 20 prese


    Do you want to be a part of our team premiere in Vienna? Now you've got the chance and after the premiere there will be a Q&A.
    (Travelling expenses and accomodation not included)

  • EUR 100.-13 prese

    Name in the Creditsä

    We appreciate any financial support for our project.
    For 100 EUROS you will be mentioned by name in the credits as a supporter. :)

  • EUR 300.-1 presa

    Company Logo in the Creditsä

    Companies that want to support us financially in the form of a cooperation or sponsorship will be mentioned with their logo in the credits of the film. The company is also thanked as a supporter in a posting on the official social media channels of the film project.

  • EUR 500.-4 / 5 prese

    Executive Producerä

    For 500 EUROS you will be credited as Executive Producer.