Wähle eine Belohnung aus

Wähle aus, ob du das Projekt mit oder ohne Belohnung unterstützen möchtest.

Ohne Belohnung unterstützenä

Unterstütze das Projekt mit einem Geldbetrag deiner Wahl und werde Teil der Erfolgsgeschichte.

Unterstützung verschenkenä

Du erhältst ein persönliches Zertifikat für den*die Beschenkte*n

  • CHF 10.-1 vergeben

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    Thank you. In your email, you will receive 5 photos of the characters and scenery from i-Petrolus.

  • CHF 20.-1 vergeben

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    Thank you! You will receive a flyer i-Petroplus by email, and 5 photos of rehearsals.

  • CHF 40.-1 vergeben

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    Thank you! Thanks to your support, we happily invite you to attend to the «generale» ...

  • CHF 60.-1 vergeben

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    A big thank you! Thanks to your support, we invite you to come to the «generale». You will be also invited to share a buffet premiere (Sept. 16).

  • CHF 80.-0 vergeben

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    Thanks to your support, you will receive an exceptional day in the backstage rehearsals.

  • CHF 120.-0 vergeben

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    Thanks to your support, you will receive an exceptional day in the backstage rehearsals. But that’s not all: you can also do a photo shoot i-Petrolus costumes with the comedians ...

  • CHF 200.-0 vergeben

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    Thanks to your support, you will receive a seat, and an evening with the artists i-Petrolus ..

  • CHF 500.-0 vergeben

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    Wow! The team offers you a dance workshop inspired by the fluid and liquid i-Petrolus universe ...

  • CHF 1’000.-0 vergeben

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    Thank You so much! For you we have two tickets and a dance workshop inspired by the world of i-Petrolus. We also offer you a sample of our special oil reserves, especially put in bottle for you!