Wähle eine Belohnung aus

Wähle aus, ob du das Projekt mit oder ohne Belohnung unterstützen möchtest.

Ohne Belohnung unterstützenä

Unterstütze das Projekt mit einem Geldbetrag deiner Wahl und werde Teil der Erfolgsgeschichte.

Unterstützung verschenkenä

Du erhältst ein persönliches Zertifikat für den*die Beschenkte*n

  • CHF 40.-1 vergeben

    Become contributors!ä

    During this International day of conscience, we offer you to be an actor fo change by participating in the whole day and in the workshops with our renowned speakers. With this contribution, we undertake to make your name appear in our contributors.

  • CHF 50.-1 vergeben

    Receive a Jaijagat Gift!ä

    During this day, we offer you to be an actor of change by participating in the whole day and in the workshops with our renowned speakers. You will also receive either a Jaijagat scarf or bag, as a gift.

  • CHF 70.-3 vergeben

    Receive a Prestige Photoä

    During this day, we offer you to be an actor of change by participating in the whole day and in the workshops with our renowned speakers. You will also receive a Prestige photo with a guest of our day, or a group photo.

  • CHF 100.-3 vergeben

    Receive Autographed Book!ä

    You will be able to participate to the whole day, and to the workshops. You will also receive either a Jaijagat scarf or bag, as a gift. Finally, you will receive an autographed book either from the Dalaï-lama or from Sofa Stril-Rever, Biograph et co-author of the Dalaï-Lama.

  • CHF 250.-0 vergeben

    Receive Gifts+Book&Pictureä

    You will be able to participate to the whole day, and to the workshops. You will also receive a Jaijagat scarf and a bag, as a gifts. Finally, you will receive an autographed book either from the Dalaï-lama or from Sofa Stril-Rever, Biograph et co-author of the Dalaï-Lama. And Last, but not least, you will also receive a picture of you with one of our prestigious speaker, or a group photo.

  • CHF 500.-0 / 20 vergeben

    Participate ExclusiveDinnerä

    You will be able to participate to the whole day, and to the workshops. You will also receive a Jaijagat scarf and a bag, as a gifts. Finally, you will receive an autographed book either from the Dalaï-lama or from Sofa Stril-Rever, Biograph et co-author of the Dalaï-Lama. You will also receive a picture of you with one of our prestigious speakers, or a group photo.And Last, but not least, you will be invited to participate to an Exclusive Dinner with our prestigious speakers, the evening of the event.