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Ohne Belohnung unterstützenä

Unterstütze das Projekt mit einem Geldbetrag deiner Wahl und werde Teil der Erfolgsgeschichte.

Unterstützung verschenkenä

Du erhältst ein persönliches Zertifikat für den*die Beschenkte*n

  • CHF 50.-93 vergeben

    Join a Telegram discussionä

    Join a Telegram discussion with Grégoire Barbey, the journalist in charge of the investigation. Ask your questions, share your opinions and ideas and take part in a participative exchange where the journalist will share explanations and investigation methods as the investigation progresses.
    Also includes a personally addressed thank-you letter and your name listed as a contributor (if you wish).

  • CHF 100.-47 vergeben

    Explo + Telegramä

    Receive a Heidi.news Explorations magazine (selected by us, while stocks last) and take part in the Telegram feed.
    Also includes a personally addressed thank-you letter and your name listed as a contributor (if you wish).

  • CHF 150.-10 vergeben

    Explo + Telegram + Subscrip.ä

    Receive a Heidi.news Explorations magazine (selected by us, while stocks last), take part in the Telegram feed and benefit from a 6-month digital subscription that will give you access to all Heidi.news digital content (transferable).
    Also includes a personally addressed thank-you letter and your name listed as a contributor (if you wish).

  • CHF 300.-6 vergeben

    Subscrip. + Telegram + Visioä

    Take advantage of a one-year Explorateur subscription, which will give you access to all the digital content of Heidi.news, as well as to the 4 yearly Explorations (transferable subscription), includes additional discounts on other subscriptions of Heidi.news, take part in the Telegram feed, and you will also be invited to the project progress meeting by videoconference where the journalists will report on the obstacles encountered and their initial conclusions.
    Also includes a personally addressed thank-you letter and your name listed as a contributor (if you wish).

  • CHF 500.-14 vergeben

    Re-Founding Member Statusä

    Exceptionally, we are re-opening the closed circle of VIP Founding Members. Enjoy access to exclusive benefits: a discount on Heidi.news subscriptions, a reduced rate on Le Temps events, privileged access to the editorial team. What's more, you will be personally invited to the editorial offices for a special session on the survey, in the presence of our journalists.
    Also includes a personally addressed thank-you letter and your name listed as a contributor (if you wish).

  • CHF 1’000.-0 vergeben

    Member + 2 masterclassesä

    Benefit from the Re-Founding Member status (as described in the reward to a CHF 500 donation), and receive two invitations to a masterclass (worth CHF 390 each) organised by Heidi Solutions: https://www.heidisolutions.news/.
    Also includes a personally addressed thank-you letter and your name listed as a contributor (if you wish).