Please indicate whether, in return for backing the project, you would like to get a reward or not.
Back the project with any amount of your own choosing and become a part of the success story.
You will receive a personal certificate for the recipient of your gift
CHF 10.-2 taken
You will receive a nice Postcard from Tskaltubo.
CHF 20.-1 taken
You will receive an original picture, produced during the workshop.
CHF 30.-0 taken
You get a package with photos and videos from Tskaltubo.
CHF 50.-3 / 15 taken
Become a sponsor of one of our bikes: We keep track of your bike from transport to its destination in Tskaltubo. You can track your bike at Facebook.You will receive a package with photographs and films of the workshop.
CHF 100.-2 / 15 taken
Become a bike-sponsor! For this higher support you will receive additionally a book with pictures and texts from Tskaltubo and from the workshop.You will appear on the list of the official supporters (if you want to).
CHF 150.-1 / 15 taken
Become a bike-sponsor! For this higher support you will receive additionally a book with pictures and texts from Tskaltubo and from the workshop; postcards and videos. In addition you can meet us in Zurich to talk about the project and our experiences in Georgia.You will appear on the list of the official supporters (if you want to).