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Unterstütze das Projekt mit einem Geldbetrag deiner Wahl und werde Teil der Erfolgsgeschichte.

Unterstützung verschenken

Du erhältst ein persönliches Zertifikat für den*die Beschenkte*n

  • CHF 3.-0 vergeben

    1 song

    Thank you so much, you will receive a song in mp3 format and a thanks note. To conclude, should you want, your name will be written inside the EP booklet as my appreciaton for your kindness.

  • CHF 5.-1 vergeben

    2 songs

    Thank you so much, you will receive 2 songs in mp3 format.
    The below mentioned gadgets are included: the lyric sheets and a thanks note. To conclude, should you want, your name will be written inside the EP booklet as my appreciaton for your kindness.

  • CHF 10.-1 vergeben

    4 songs

    Thank you so much, you will receive 4 songs in mp3 format.
    The below mentioned gadgets are included: the lyric sheets and a thanks note. To conclude, should you want, your name will be written inside the EP booklet as my appreciaton for your kindness.

  • CHF 15.-10 vergeben

    A hard copy of the EP

    Thank you so much, you made my day! You'll receive a copy of the EP at home. The below mentioned gadgets are included: a singed EP flyer, the lyric sheets and a singed plectrum.
    To conclude, should you want, your name will be written inside the EP booklet as my appreciaton for your kindness.

  • CHF 30.-8 vergeben

    1 EP and 1 shirt

    I really appreciate your help, thank you. You will receive a hard copy of the EP and a shirt. The followed gadgets are included: a singed EP flyer, the lyric sheets, a singed plectrum and 5 private live sessions on social media. To conclude, should you want, your name will be written inside the EP booklet as my appreciaton for your kindness.

  • CHF 50.-3 vergeben

    1 Vinyl-CD

    Your kindness warmed my heart. Thanks so much!
    In this package there is a hard copy of the EP in the Vinyl-CD format (format of a normal CD). The next gadget are also included:
    a singed EP flyer, the lyric sheets, a singed plectrum and 5 private live sessions on social media. To conclude, should you want, your name will be written inside the EP booklet as my appreciaton for your kindness.

  • CHF 100.-0 vergeben

    1 Vinyl-CD,free entries, etc

    Your kindness warmed my heart. Thanks so much!
    In this package there is a hard copy of the EP in the Vinyl-CD format, 2 free entries for 2 concerts that will be held in Switzerland, and a shirt.

    The next gadgets are included:
    a singed EP flyer, the lyric sheets, a singed plectrum, 5 private live sessions on social media.
    To conclude, should you want, your name will be written inside the EP booklet as my appreciaton for your kindness.

  • CHF 500.-0 vergeben

    1 solo unplugged concert

    Wow! I’m amazed by your support.

    I wanna show my gratefulness by giving you a private concert at your home in Switzerland.

    Moreover, these gadget are included: a singed EP flyer, the lyric sheets, a singed plectrum, a copy of the EP and 5 private live sessions on social media. In addition, you will get a shirt, and a copy of the EP in Vinyl-CD format.
    To conclude, should you want, your name will be written inside the EP booklet as my appreciaton for your kindness.

  • CHF 1’000.-0 vergeben

    Private concert with a band

    Wow! I’m amazed by your support.

    I wanna show my gratefulness by giving you a private concert at your home in Switzerland.

    Moreover, these gadget are included: a singed EP flyer, the lyric sheets, a singed plectrum, a copy of the EP and 5 private live sessions on social media. In addition, you will get a shirt, and a copy of the EP in Vinyl-CD forma.
    To conclude, should you want, your name will be written inside the EP booklet as my appreciaton for your kindness.