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Unterstütze das Projekt mit einem Geldbetrag deiner Wahl und werde Teil der Erfolgsgeschichte.

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  • CHF 8.-0 vergeben

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    DOWNLOAD of the new album + lyrics + cover of CD (in digital form), shipped before official release.

  • CHF 18.-0 vergeben

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    DOWNLOAD of 2 albums («New Ways» 2011 + new release «Just You and Me») + lyrics + cover of CD (in digital form), shipped before official release.

  • CHF 23.-0 vergeben

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    Dedicated CD «Just You and Me» shipped to your address in Switzerland. Shipping before official release.

  • CHF 28.-0 vergeben

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    Dedicated CD shipped to your address anywhere. Shipping before official release.

  • CHF 33.-0 / 60 vergeben

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    Dedicated album + entry to Vernissage aperitivo «Just You and Me» in Ticino 29th May 2014 (Saturday) or 7th June 2014 (Friday). Please indicate date of preference.

  • CHF 50.-0 / 30 vergeben

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    2 dedicated albums («New Ways» and new release «Just You and Me»). Shipped to your address in Switzerland.

  • CHF 75.-1 / 20 vergeben

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    Be my guest, dedicated album, SUNSET and grill (drinks excl) Concert at Lago Maggiore. More dates will be available: between 1st June and 15th September, for 2 persons.

  • CHF 130.-1 / 30 vergeben

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    Dedicated albums, SUNSET and «Full moon« concert BBQ (be my guest! food and drinks) right at magnificent River Maggia. 13th June, 28th July, 10th August (please indicate your preference), for 2 persons

  • CHF 150.-0 / 5 vergeben

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    If you like singing, playing an instrument (all kinds) or just wanna spend some time with the musician working come along! Let’s go busking together. We’ll have a fair split on what we earn! + GELATO (ice cream, very good one). Dates (upon agreement): between 1st June and 15th September

  • CHF 250.-0 / 16 vergeben

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    2 dedicated albums («New Ways» + new release «Just You and Me») served by me :) + songs live next to you served by me :) + candle light dinner (drinks excluded) in TICINO, for 2 persons. Available: between 01 June and 15 September, you set the date.

  • CHF 300.-0 / 4 vergeben

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    Dedicated albums («New Ways» + new release «Just You and Me») + whole afternoon program windsurfing. I take you to one of the best spots in Switzerland – all rigg, neopren and Andrew included. If you have never tried surfing before better to take a lesson together, I’ll help you there, the lesson has to be paid separately. Between 1st June and 30th September, you set the date.

  • CHF 600.-0 / 2 vergeben

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    Dedicated albums + unforgettable evening with live music at your private event (Italian part of Switzerland).

  • CHF 850.-0 / 2 vergeben

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    Dedicated albums + unforgettable evening with live music at your private party (French part of Switzerland)

  • CHF 850.-0 / 2 vergeben

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    Dedicated albums + unforgettable evening with live music at your private party (German part of Switzerland)