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Soutenez le projet avec un montant de votre choix et prenez part à son succès.

Faire cadeau de ma contribution

Vous recevez un certificat personnel pour le*la destinataire*rice du cadeau

  • EUR 12.-0 / 20 prise

    Wooden keyring shape λambda

    Early Bird Price 30% off

    You will receive a natural wood keyring, shape of λambda.

    * All shipments will be made in first days December, to arrive at the destination before Christmas.

  • EUR 29.-0 / 20 prise

    Set of 4 wooden coasters

    Early Bird Price 30% off

    You will receive a set of four collectibles wooden coasters, unique maze design.
    These coasters come as a set of four and are made from solid beech wood, measuring 9cm/each.

    * All shipments will be made in first days December, to arrive at the destination before Christmas.

  • EUR 49.-2 / 30 prises

    Labyrinth λambda wall clock

    Early Bird Price 30% off

    You will receive a unique Labyrinth λambda wall clock !

    * All shipments will be made in first days December, to arrive at the destination before Christmas.

  • EUR 75.-0 / 20 prise

    The Whole Set !

    Early Bird Price 30% off

    You will receive
    1 a unique Labyrinth λambda wall clock !
    2 a set of four collectibles wooden coasters, unique maze design.
    3 a natural wood keyring, shape of λambda
    These coasters come as a set of four and are made from solid beech wood, measuring 9cm/each.

    * All shipments will be made in first days December, to arrive at the destination before Christmas.

  • EUR 90.-0 / 20 prise

    2Labyrinth λamba wall clock

    Early Bird Price 30% off

    You will receive two unique Labyrinth λambda wall clocks !

    * All shipments will be made in first days December, to arrive at the destination before Christmas.