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Du erhältst ein persönliches Zertifikat für den*die Beschenkte*n

  • CHF 20.-19 vergeben

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    The « What’s the Wifi password ?» pack: Watch ’Les Nouveaux Gouverneurs de la Rosée’ anywhere, anytime online. You can seize this opportunity to look for your name in the credits!

  • CHF 50.-17 vergeben

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    The « DVD and Chill» pack: Own the movie on DVD. Don’t forget to look for your name in the credits.

  • CHF 75.-7 / 40 vergeben

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    The «Fancy Blue-Ray and Chill» pack : Own the movie on DVD and Blu-Ray in a swanky numbered boxed set. Don’t forget to look for your name in the credits.

  • CHF 100.-23 / 30 vergeben

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    The « Can I bring my li’l brother» pack » ? (+1 guest per person) You’re kindly invited to the private test preview (area of Lausanne) along with the crew and a glass of rum in case they bother you too much. Don’t forget to look for your name in the credits !

  • CHF 200.-5 / 9 vergeben

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    The « At least there’s something to drink » pack. In addition to the « Fancy Blue-Ray and Chill» pack, you get one bottle of Haitian Rum brought back from the shoot. Don’t forget to look for your name in the credits. Cheers!

  • CHF 500.-2 / 3 vergeben

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    The « Home delivery pack ». You have an apartment, a couch and live on earth? Very well, sit your butt on your couch and let us take care of the rest! Projector, screen, your private home cinema! Better even, we bring a Haitian meal and rum! And to remember this great evening, you can re-watch as many times as you want your names in the credit of your DVD.

  • CHF 1’000.-0 / 1 vergeben

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    The « Full House pack » : Bring your whole family and all your friends to the first ever projection of the movie at the Valdo Sartori Studio, accompanied by a typical Haitian meal (and rum!). Bring home the limited boxed set numbered 1/50 as well as a copy of the book «Les Gouverneurs de la Rosée» by Jacques Roumain, signed by the whole crew. Your name in the credits as well as our undying gratitude