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You will receive a personal certificate for the recipient of your gift

  • EUR 3.-1 taken


    You will get a «cajita». This is a small box made by me out of old/recycling flyers I collect from everywhere I go. The small boxes are unique pieces. I use a «folding technique» a friend showed me when I was traveling around the world. You can come an choose your own at Liquids! Thank you so much for your support!

  • EUR 5.-4 taken


    You will receive a free coffee «Daniel Moser» in Liquids*! (*valid until 31.12.2016) Thanks for your support!

  • EUR 10.-19 taken


    You get a free «Daniel Moser» coffee in Liquids! If you’re not in Vienna and are not planning to come in 2016, feel free to donate your coffee –like a suspended coffee- to cheer somebody else! (Please let me know, so I can draw a voucher for you!) Thanks a lot you for your support!

  • EUR 25.-22 taken


    You get the «Liquids Coffee Dream» experience directly to you! I’m sending you a sample of our special blend by «Daniel Moser» with instructions to roast, grind, brew and enjoy at home! Thank you for making this dream come true! I hope you love our coffee as much as we do!

  • EUR 50.-6 taken


    Wow! You’re amazing! You’re getting a Liquids tote bag with surprise goodies (postcards, stickers, etc.) from my shop and of course, the «Liquids Coffee Dream» experience –a sample of our special blend by «Daniel Moser» with instructions to roast, grind, brew and enjoy our coffee at home! Thanks a lot! Your support means a lot to me and it’s making this dream come true!

  • EUR 100.-8 taken


    Thank you so, so much! You’re getting the «Liquids Coffee Dream» experience –which is a sample of our special blend by «Daniel Moser» with instructions to roast, grind, brew and enjoy our coffee at home- and 100g. of already roasted «Liquids Special Blend» by «Daniel Moser» to share and enjoy for a while at home! ...I have no words to thank you for your generous support and helping me to make this dream come true! Hope you love our coffee as much as I do!