Sélectionnez une contrepartie

Indiquez si vous souhaitez soutenir le projet avec ou sans contrepartie.

Soutenir sans contrepartie

Soutenez le projet avec un montant de votre choix et prenez part à son succès.

Faire cadeau de ma contribution

Vous recevez un certificat personnel pour le*la destinataire*rice du cadeau

  • CHF 20.-1 prise

    A Set of 15 Postcards

    You get a set of 15 postcards with the five most beautiful images from our «LOVE IS» book!

  • CHF 42.-21 prises

    1 BOOK

    For your valuable support: We will send you a copy of our «LOVE IS» book.

  • CHF 80.-6 prises

    2 BOOKS

    For your great support: We will send you two copies of our «LOVE IS» book. One for you and the second as a gift to a loved one.

  • CHF 89.-3 prises

    2 BOOKS & 1 Set

    For your great support: We will send you two copies of our «LOVE IS» book. One for you and the second as a gift to a loved one. As an additional thank you: you get a set of 15 postcards with the five most beautiful images from our «LOVE IS» book!

  • CHF 125.-3 prises

    Personal Invitation

    You will receive for your great support a personal invitation to the book presentation in Zurich and two books (signed if desired).

  • CHF 350.-1 prise


    For your valuable contribution we will send you 3 copies of our «LOVE IS» book with a personal record and acknowledgements as supporter in the book appendix.

  • CHF 900.-0 prise


    For your extraordinary contribution you get 7 «LOVE IS» books with a personal record & acknowledgements of your company (including company logo) as a supporter in the book appendix & on our website www.love-is.ch

  • CHF 2’500.-0 prise


    For your generous contribution you get your OWN PAGE in the «LOVE IS» book (including a personal record and acknowledgements of your company with company logo). This page will be designed by our graphic artist after consultation with you. You will receive 10 books and 4 sets of 15 postcards with the five most beautiful images from our «LOVE IS» book. We hope to meet you soon. If you have any questions contact us under: info@love-is.ch